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  1. sakinluvo

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    agreed lol I rlly don't wanna start year 11 😭
  2. sakinluvo

    maths advanced selection test thingo

    We had a similar thing at my school but it was to get into extension. But most of the time the topics are generally the ones you've done this year so far but with more difficulty. For my extension test, the topics were: Year 9 (5.3) textbook ● Pythagoras’ theorem and Surds ● Products and...
  3. sakinluvo

    hast exam help

    Yeah because of how competitive it is I am kinda straying away from it plus the fee of selective makes me wonder if trying out for Hurlstone would be worth it as there isnt any spots available either
  4. sakinluvo

    hast exam help

    I have no clue if they do but I can check. Thank u
  5. sakinluvo

    hast exam help

    The reason why im changing schools is because im moving closer to them really soon and ill have to commute over 2hrs on public transport or drive which my parents don't allow. Hopefully I'll get in then, thanks
  6. sakinluvo

    hast exam help

    Hi all, I'm currently in year 10 planning to do selective to go for year 11. I'm nervous and have no clue what to study, my current marks are rather good as I only have a C in Pdhpe while I have a couple of extracurriculars to go off from. In all honesty, I feel like it's going to be hard and...