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  1. spiderfan44

    2024 HSC Chat

    nvm its just for earth and environmental science and because im doing private school papers, i go to public so the exams are usually a bit less strict w marking
  2. spiderfan44

    2024 HSC Chat

    theres already studies on it, but you could prob track how fucked everyone is from this board
  3. spiderfan44

    2024 HSC Chat

    this board would probably be really good to use for a scientific report about how the hsc affects students mental health because you can see people freaking the fuck out and declining more and more as trials gets closer
  4. spiderfan44

    2024 HSC Chat

    im very very tired and im also crying very easily at the moment, like something very small will happen and ill start crying
  5. spiderfan44

    2024 HSC Chat

    this isnt my rock bottom but i started crying while marking a trial paper and cried for about an hour or so.
  6. spiderfan44

    2024 HSC Chat

    someone is beating me by 0.1% in food tech
  7. spiderfan44

    2024 HSC Chat

    like idk if everyone struggles with this, or if its bcuz i have asd and can sometimes miss stuff like this
  8. spiderfan44

    2024 HSC Chat

    im getting the content right, the place where im losing marks is related to verbage and stuff so for example i lost marks in a question about changing the urey miller experiment to make it more valid bcuz i made reccomendations without naming 'urey miller experiment'
  9. spiderfan44

    2024 HSC Chat

    guys is anyone else doing practise trial papers and doing much worse than they did in yr 11 prelims :(
  10. spiderfan44

    2024 HSC Chat

    i guess it just means u need to cover more content before trials, get on that grind and start revising
  11. spiderfan44

    2024 HSC Chat

    i think im just becoming a boomer
  12. spiderfan44

    2024 HSC Chat

    looking at the 2026 hsc chat pisses me off bcuz the way ppl talk there reminds me of how year 10s in my school talk and I HATE YEAR 10S SO MUCH THEYRE SO ANNOYING
  13. spiderfan44

    subject selection help !!

    would not recommend 14 units. especially if you have difficulty managing time and if you dont already have a study routine also to get a feel of what econ is like, look through the syllabus.if your school publishes assessment notifications for each grade on their website, check the year 12...
  14. spiderfan44

    2024 HSC Chat

    no fuckkk i wrote a persuasive for eng :cry:
  15. spiderfan44

    fabric shopping

    i think its good as long as youre mindful. you can find really good sellers, but also dodgy ones. make sure u purchase from sellers with good reviews and who have a number of reviews. also be mindful that shipping tends to be quite high as most sellers are from the usa. also if you search up a...
  16. spiderfan44

    fabric shopping

    a lot with spotlight the local stores wont carry what u need, so u have to end up doing online delivery. honestly i dont really have a fabric retailer i gravitate towards bcuz ill just purchase from whoever has what i need for cheapest. i had a quick check online and it looks like the only place...
  17. spiderfan44

    I need urgent advice.

    havent done chem. but earth module 2 mostly just covers plate boundaries, evidence for it etc, so its quite a chill and easy module. module 1 was a bit more content heavy and didnt connect well, but it something u can cover. def would prob be easier than chem
  18. spiderfan44

    fabric shopping

    spotlight. theres also online fabric retailers who tend to carry higher quality and a bigger range of fabrics, but they usually are more expensive.
  19. spiderfan44

    I need urgent advice.

    also most of my classmates didnt study during yr11 either until prelims so i would always rank well, but keep in mind i took subjects that people who arent smart take, and i go to a public school
  20. spiderfan44

    I need urgent advice.

    i do think you will be able to get through the earth content if you put in hours. i was able to get through the first 2 earth modules in a week before my prelims, at the time i was studying from 5 and finished at 8 or 9 i believe? its do able, but also if i was you id honestly just look over...