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  1. spiderfan44

    Leadership speech with an image (please help me)

    ill edit this later tmrow and fix spelling stuff but my meds wearing off and i toke and my sleepy pilsl so im not fucked to fix this lol
  2. spiderfan44

    Leadership speech with an image (please help me)

    visual arts finally comes in hand!!! uh maybe u could do some shit about mangroves. them fuckers gotta root in the ocean first. they also adaptable and shit like a leader gotta be, they roots fucked up bcuz it has to adapt to the rising and falling tide, like how ur boss may be ugly but its...
  3. spiderfan44

    How to get better at maths

    is it an anxiety thing or you just dont know
  4. spiderfan44

    I need urgent advice.

    if u flunk the chemistry assessment, i think you should just stick with chem anyways since it seems that you like it. prelim results dont matter unless you really want early entry for uni. ive had some classes where i flopped on an assessment in prelims and got 40%, i was fine.
  5. spiderfan44

    I need urgent advice.

    also chemistry helps in earth. not too much, but some topics in earth are related to chem so having the basics under your belt helps out. i remember our earth class had to do a recap on yr10 chem lol
  6. spiderfan44

    I need urgent advice.

    kinda sucks that u did this for a subject you likely wont do. but i just want to say that 5 hours a day during holidays in year 11 is actually quite impressive and that this type of stuff prepares you a lot for hsc, hell im in year 12 and the majority of my classmates arent studying at all...
  7. spiderfan44

    Geography YR12 Urban Places Case Study

    I got 100% on this one ;)
  8. spiderfan44

    Is study even worth it at this point ++++ subject selection help

    theyre very different subjects and chem is harder. but both still cover a years worth of content. im just posting my own experience for prelims to show that what op is trying to do is possible, although it may take longer bcuz theyre covering a harder subject, but still possible. i didnt do chem...
  9. spiderfan44

    I need urgent advice.

    i think u should email ur head teacher for science, and ur year advisor to see if u can switch. if u can switch, then switch. for now, u should prob just stop working on it bcuz i doubt they would let you, make sure u mention you have done notes to the teachers u speak to. if u do get into chem...
  10. spiderfan44

    Fort st entry Yr 11

    ive never applied to fort st so def get advice from others. i think there are tutors who specifically look over your own essay, but there may be some past students from fort st who may be happy to have a look over it.
  11. spiderfan44

    Bcom or Actuaries

    are you going to help out or are you going to bitch about highschoolers to feel superior about yourself, on a forum for highschoolers
  12. spiderfan44

    Fort st entry Yr 11

    i think u talk about how adversity has impacted ur life and how u ended up learning from that example: u have adhd, due to that you struggled with learning. through that adversity, you ended up learning how to adapt ur learning methods to learn in your own unique way and it also taught you to...
  13. spiderfan44

    How to get better at maths

    do u find it takes u longer to understand concepts? u may not fully understand or have forgotten the core concepts you were taught early on that carries on to later math. khan academy is pretty helpful in that regard w fundamentals
  14. spiderfan44

    Is study even worth it at this point ++++ subject selection help

    also keep in mind i handwrote my notes, so that takes longer than writing notes digitally
  15. spiderfan44

    Is study even worth it at this point ++++ subject selection help

    i studied all the year 11 preliminary earth and environmental science in 2 weeks before my prelims. it toke me about 3 hours a day? i think if you start now and study 1 or 2 hours a day maybe you should be fine to catch up
  16. spiderfan44

    trial papers

    bump - i have about 3 papers rn
  17. spiderfan44

    2024 HSC Chat

    found some on studocu but idk if theyre any good bcuz i dont take ancient
  18. spiderfan44


    also im going to add this, i saved up during year 11 so that i could quit my job in year 12 to focus on studies. its totally possible to have a job and do well, i have a friend with marks that are better than mine and they still work once a week. however, if youre someone who struggles a lot...
  19. spiderfan44


    dont worry about it, its totally possible to make an 'academic comeback' as long as you put in work
  20. spiderfan44

    2024 HSC Chat

    you have to either ask your school or look around online for past trial papers