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  1. spiderfan44

    the amount that one course would impact on my overall wam shouldnt be too much of an issue since...

    the amount that one course would impact on my overall wam shouldnt be too much of an issue since its 6 out of 144 units of credit. wam altogether, yea thats a concern. but one course shouldnt fuck it up too much as long as i do alright in uni
  2. spiderfan44

    idk 100k - 120k maybe depending on location, havent thought ahead that far but ill def have to...

    idk 100k - 120k maybe depending on location, havent thought ahead that far but ill def have to marry someone earning similar to me if i want to afford a mortgage
  3. spiderfan44

    my dads a tradie, knocks out walls

    my dads a tradie, knocks out walls
  4. spiderfan44

    also enviro science pays pretty well (especially in mining), theres def a cap to the income but...

    also enviro science pays pretty well (especially in mining), theres def a cap to the income but its something im passionate about and can see myself doing long term without wanting to switch jobs
  5. spiderfan44

    i plan on taking 11-12 math via a bridging course at tafe then doing advanced while in uni bcuz...

    i plan on taking 11-12 math via a bridging course at tafe then doing advanced while in uni bcuz it wont fuck w my atar. may fuck w my wam a little bit but not much an issue
  6. spiderfan44

    there arent prerequisites for that course. its pretty stupid to not do at least math standard...

    there arent prerequisites for that course. its pretty stupid to not do at least math standard for a stem course. i was away a lot during 7-9 due to illness so my math skills are a bit scuffed. i can do math, but it does take me a lot longer to grasp concepts fully, it doesnt help that i have asd...
  7. spiderfan44

    environmental science, specifically i want to go into ecology. im probably going to have a...

    environmental science, specifically i want to go into ecology. im probably going to have a career in environmental consultancy or site remediation/management. the degree that im hoping to do next year is a bachelor of environmental management from unsw, not sure but may pursue masters but thats...
  8. spiderfan44

    Major Works Update?

    i dont take va but majority of my friends do, the majority of them all feel like theyre behind.
  9. spiderfan44

    2024 HSC Chat

    i laser cut the wooden components of my model for my dt major work and sealed and painted them, but ive just realized some of the measurements are slightly off so i need to find a place that can laser cut stuff for me :,(
  10. spiderfan44

    2024 HSC Chat

    im going to discuss it with my school, really hope i can get them.
  11. spiderfan44

    2024 HSC Chat

    saw my neurologist and i have ulnar nerve entrapment at my elbow. it causes me a ton of pain and makes it difficult to write, it gets even worse when i write! just in time for my trials and hsc!!
  12. spiderfan44

    Tips for ADHD-ers doing their prelim studies?

    im in year 12 but didnt really figure out how to study properly to before prelims. i originally wasnt studying much at all but im now im studying 4-6 hours a day with asd + adhd. RULES -maintain a routine!!! study everyday after school. dont skip days, or you will fall out of that routine and...
  13. spiderfan44

    help for design

    ask your teacher. if youre unsure of what you need in your mdp, look at the syllabus marking criteria, it should have listed the headings and content you need.
  14. spiderfan44

    2024 HSC Chat

    ad blocker
  15. spiderfan44

    2024 HSC Chat

    if u play games a lot or use social media a ton, you may want to delete them for now then redownload them later. obv you can still redownload them, but having that barrier of 'ugh i have to redownload this' helps a bit with dissuading urself from using stuff that drains ur time.
  16. spiderfan44

    2024 HSC Chat

    dont just say 'ill study today', write down what you will actually study that day. like for example instead of saying 'ill study earth today', you need to write down what specific syllabus dotpoints you need to do for that day also be actually realistic about how much youll study that day. if...
  17. spiderfan44

    2024 HSC Chat

    establish a routine and make sure it starts and ends at the same time everyday, for example sit down at 1 and study till 4pm every day. write down a list of what you have to do during a holidays, then make a calendar of what you will do each day. for example - notes on climate variation on...
  18. spiderfan44

    2024 HSC Chat

    not doing any papers rn. currently im just revision content and writing notes. i plan to do trial papers for the 2 weeks back to school, aiming for 1 a day on top of revision w flash cards
  19. spiderfan44

    2024 HSC Chat

    i usually write a practise essay but will only memorize the quotes. memorizing an essay is too hard, but i write the practise essay just so i know the gist of what i will write. no way im memorizing 3 essays
  20. spiderfan44

    trial papers

    if anyone is able to send me trial papers for food tech ill pm you trial papers i have myself. i would post the papers i have on acehsc but i cant really find many online so this is kind of to encourage others to post papers online. ill upload the trial paper you send to me to acehsc myself...