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  1. spiderfan44


    are you reading the questions properly? sometimes you do need one specific word because you need to describe a concept. sometimes teachers are harsh w marking, but it doesnt matter bcuz you still rank the same. if youre dropping in rank because of the harshness it means you need to study skills...
  2. spiderfan44


    i dont take chem or physics so idk how true these are but these are some resources i found just google...
  3. spiderfan44


    in all seriousness go the syllabus for both subjects and look for the heading 'chemistry year 11 course content' and then under that should be a subheading called 'working scientifically skills', look through that to figure out what skills you need, same for physics
  4. spiderfan44


  5. spiderfan44

    Private vs Selective (Which do I choose?)

    if youre motivated youll do fine in selective. it also helps a bit with uni bcuz youre used to having to work on your own and without much assistance, whereas private school kids are used to getting more assistance and slump a bit in uni the 38k could go to getting a high quality tutor who will...
  6. spiderfan44

    looking for after school jobs

    you can legally get paid less if youre younger, idk the reward rates for marking papers though
  7. spiderfan44


  8. spiderfan44

    write-up please assess

    the fuck ya mean lad
  9. spiderfan44

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    i had to make a complete 180 in y12 after i got my english prelims back in year 11 (i got a 65, lol). dont dick around in class, if your teacher gives you work, just do the work. its a boring ass class but actually do the in class work. ask your teachers for feedback on your analysis. write...
  10. spiderfan44

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    as some who did distance ed full time for a about a year. i wouldnt recommend it unless youre a highly motivated person and you have a tutor or external resources for the subject youre taking. its hard to motivate yourself to do online work, its also a bit more tricky to correspond with the...
  11. spiderfan44

    trial plans

    what is your guys strategy for trials, heres mine holidays - 6 hours a day study, planning to catch up on all my notes and write flash cards 2 weeks prior - 5 hours a day study, planning on doing a ton of flash cards and doing trial papers trials- 8 hours a day study on non trial days
  12. spiderfan44

    How much did you spend for your Major Work in HSC D&T?

    the fuck ya people making?? meth??
  13. spiderfan44

    failing y11 term 2, what now

    you can always dispute with your headteacher also gaslighting is a manipulation tactic, not when someone disagrees with you or lies to you
  14. spiderfan44

    Atar prediction

    doubt you could, may be possible if you made a complete 180 for trials and hsc
  15. spiderfan44

    How much did you spend for your Major Work in HSC D&T?

    the fuck ya making lad? a pipe bomb?
  16. spiderfan44

    failing y11 term 2, what now

    if you havent, talk to your year advisor, your head teacher, head of science and head of wellbeing
  17. spiderfan44

    bucket list

    get blackout drunk on goon
  18. spiderfan44

    unsw or usyd??

    also i can ride my bike to unsw instead of catching the train, id def get hit by a car going down the highway