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  1. spiderfan44

    unsw or usyd??

    im hoping for unsw bcuz the course they have is better for the field im going into
  2. spiderfan44

    I'm in Fort Street at the moment, should I consider moving to other selective high school?

    as someone attending a public school and doing hsc, i think the actual effort you put in matters more than the school. it also prepares you to work on your own during uni, where as in private you get quite a bit of assistance and resources. also your school was ranked 24th last year in state...
  3. spiderfan44

    Thoughts on iPads for school?

    i have a laptop which used to have a touchscreen, keep in mind that if it gets cracked you may no longer be able to use the touchscreen. i cracked my laptop and it started 'ghost touching' so i had to disable the touchscreen. honestly i dont think writing with a stylus is that helpful at all for...
  4. spiderfan44

    Option to retake HSC

    from nesa website ( 2. Repeating You can repeat one or more courses within the 5 years (see pathway 1) without a penalty. Your RoSA will report the results of all attempts...
  5. spiderfan44

    GUYS SWITCH FROM QUIZLET TO ANKI you can also import flashcards from quizlet
  6. spiderfan44

    2024 HSC Chat

    im so sad :( i studied geography so hard and i was so confident for my exam on it. i opened the exam and i knew all the content, all of it. but i didnt finish in time, even with provisions for extra time it didnt matter. i write fast for exams, the problem is i have a really low processing...
  7. spiderfan44


    anyways like when im on the bus or just killing time ill use anki on my phone for 10 mins or so and that helps out a lot
  8. spiderfan44


    its free on android and on pc, but i dont have any apple products so im unsure of the price on it there.
  9. spiderfan44

    Staying on top of content throughout the school year

    yea when i take notes printing out the syallbus and crossing off dotpoints as i take notes to make sure ive covered the dotpoints helpes
  10. spiderfan44

    Predict my ATAR?

  11. spiderfan44


    yall trust me on this. anki is way better bcuz it does spaced repetiton, which means the things you struggle with more come up more so u become more familar with it and the stuff u already know isnt shown as much. it also doesnt paywall everything and constantly beg for money. ANKI IS THE WAY...
  12. spiderfan44

    Staying on top of content throughout the school year

    i take notes for geography and food tech in class. i take ees notes at home. i dont take notes for design and tech and plan to just skim the syllabus for notes bcuz its a kinda common sense subject for theory
  13. spiderfan44

    HSC timetable

    im just happy i dont have two exams on one day
  14. spiderfan44

    Predict my ATAR?

    ik, but im assuming they would also have assessment marks
  15. spiderfan44

    Selling rare internal past papers from top schools

    why would someone pay for that, just use hsc past papers and use the questions for the syllabus dotpoint ur being tested on
  16. spiderfan44

    Selling rare internal past papers from top schools

    this shits free online
  17. spiderfan44

    Selling rare internal past papers from top schools

    becauses its available online for free you fucking git
  18. spiderfan44

    yo will i get into early entry with these grades?

    depends on the course, ur only in 1 term as well