Private vs Selective (Which do I choose?) (1 Viewer)


Mar 8, 2024
Hey guys!
so yesterday i was offered a spot at santa sabina college, which is a prestigous private school, 38k per year. I currently go to a somewhat average selective school, but wanted to try move schools as my school is weird and doesnt let us choose chem,physics,ext 1 math and english.we have to go through exams and applications for only 10% of the grade to be chosen. they look at ur yr 9 and 10 marks, and i find it annoying as i did bad in yr 9 and only am doing good now, so i won't get in considering my yr 9 marks were awful.

santa sabina college has offered me ext 1 math, and physics (the subjects i want to take but can't at my current school) but whats bothering me is how expensive it is and i feel bad for my parents paying alot. like with that money i can purchase different things. at this point, it looks like we r payng js to do subjects my school can't offer us.

im trying to move to a higher selective school but its so so hard, and chances r low. santa sabina said that if i accept, i have to start in term 3!!
so guys should i stay at my school or move?


Active Member
Oct 18, 2017
If your parent's aren't insanely wealthy, stay at your current school. The 80,000$ would easily afford to give you the tutoring required to get a 99+ ATAR if that's what the family prioritised + the start on a house deposit + probably all the tutoring required to get HDs on all your subjects + a university scholarship. The chance you would get 80k returns on your investment just to do science subjects would be basically 0.

With 10k at $50 an hour, you can get a private tutor almost every day of the year for 1yr.

With 80k, you can even do remote learning at your current school (I believe) if they have 0 chance of accepting you and just get a tutor.

The purpose of private school isn't for the courses in this instance, it's to have a rich social circle - sometimes that is a worthwhile investment.

Also 80k isn't just "80k," it is also the future profits on that 80k through investment (~roughly doubling in value every 10yrs).

(ultimately, your parents decide though)
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Active Member
Apr 18, 2024
Hey guys!
so yesterday i was offered a spot at santa sabina college, which is a prestigous private school, 38k per year. I currently go to a somewhat average selective school, but wanted to try move schools as my school is weird and doesnt let us choose chem,physics,ext 1 math and english.we have to go through exams and applications for only 10% of the grade to be chosen. they look at ur yr 9 and 10 marks, and i find it annoying as i did bad in yr 9 and only am doing good now, so i won't get in considering my yr 9 marks were awful.

santa sabina college has offered me ext 1 math, and physics (the subjects i want to take but can't at my current school) but whats bothering me is how expensive it is and i feel bad for my parents paying alot. like with that money i can purchase different things. at this point, it looks like we r payng js to do subjects my school can't offer us.

im trying to move to a higher selective school but its so so hard, and chances r low. santa sabina said that if i accept, i have to start in term 3!!
so guys should i stay at my school or move?
if youre motivated youll do fine in selective. it also helps a bit with uni bcuz youre used to having to work on your own and without much assistance, whereas private school kids are used to getting more assistance and slump a bit in uni

the 38k could go to getting a high quality tutor who will help u out more than i think private would

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