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  1. D


    I have a mac, so i use garageband to record, then export to iTunes. Otherwise, any mic would do. On usefulness... I find recording brilliant. Have you seen that pyramid thing where apparently audiovisual stimuli doubles retention rate or something? I find the key is actually having audio and...
  2. D

    Recommended Texbooks/Study Guides for Preliminary HSC?

    Re: Recommended Texbooks/Study Guides? I generally find York notes are pretty good for english...better than those get smarts or whatever random stuff there are. But only use them limitedly. They are after all, notes, and only notes!
  3. D

    What School?

    uh...East? I don't think I should've posted that one. :\
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    5 Things You Like (And Dislike) About Your School!

    I'd be really surprised if anyone guessed my school... likes: 1. traditions...they're not all bad 2. Location...ooh, that's a giveaway...we have really good views 3. quite a few of the teachers...for the subjects i'm doing anyway 4. tight...we're pretty small 5. wildest year group...
  5. D

    Why You're Not Good at Certain Subjects...

    History: It's boring content. Full Stop. I've learnt all about Aboriginals every year that I have been in this country and it's driving me nuts. And all those dates...they all sound the same to me. PE Oh please...
  6. D


    I'm going in 32 days!!! Soooooo excited. Tut mir leid. Couldn't contain myself....just needed to shout out to the world. =D Btw, what is the opinion on going on exchange during yr 12, or just before yr 12? I was hoping to go with SAGSE but since I'm an accelerant and the timing of it just...
  7. D

    Year 10 students - What subject will you be happy to finish!

    Science!!! SC's my last science exam...and I've got 13 lessons to go...:) and Aust History. Seriously, Australia just isn't an interesting country. We havn't been around long enough to have vaguely enough content to study..and they stretch it out into this 2 yr course. Got 9 lessons of that...