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  1. Z


    oh sorry, didnt see the integers part, oh geez now I have to do it to see which part I made an error in
  2. Z


    I dont remember the exact question, but er why not? Cant I add a bunch of increasingly smaller positive fractions and the limiting sum gives 1?
  3. Z


    Yes omg that question is a killer, I took off chunks of the question since its just not really relevant for 4u kids these days btw SpiralFlex this wouldn't be too challenging for you imo
  4. Z


    you can get it off me at UNSW next year :P
  5. Z


    Not unless you are doing your HSC LOL by the BSc (Adv. Maths) in your siggy, this is probably not very challenging for you -_-
  6. Z

    Interesting Q

    ^props for actually taking the effort :)
  7. Z


    Hey guys, I had a habit of noting down any interesting/challenging question in 4u when I did my HSC, so when I started tutoring I typed them all up for kids' revision and etc. Just thought I'd share these questions around, some of them aren't exactly too challenging now that I look back at it...
  8. Z

    Recurrence formula

    Think I saw this in HSC like umm 2006? Can't remember exactly
  9. Z

    ACCT1501 - Exam

    when did I say that? I said I don't like the textbook, that doesn't = course is hard In fact acct1501 is incredibly easy compared to my other subjects
  10. Z

    ACCT1501 - Exam

    What I'd much rather bank reconciliation than that stupid GAAP thing -_- too theoretical for me, I'd rather deal with numbers
  11. Z

    ACCT1501 - Exam

    +1, I really dont like this textbook T_T Also the test shouldnt be too similar to the practice paper, since bank reconciliation isnt even in it :(
  12. Z

    ACCT1501 - Exam

    For those who have less than 12 hours to cram
  13. Z

    Sci School, is it good?

    Do you really need your parents to pay in order for you to start studying and less procrastinating?
  14. Z

    Fastest human calculator on earth!

    If anyone on BoS can do it that fast...which I doubt no offense...respect
  15. Z

    Truongs Maths Tutoring, any comments?

    You can always call him and give it a shot, just be polite and etc. If you aren't great at math then I suggest you opt for one of the slower classes, he's focusing on accelerating a lot of the classes and I teach one of them so I can tell you the pace is quite fast.
  16. Z

    HIGHLY recommended Maths tutor (personal experience)

    ?? I graduated with this guy in 2011 same school, and I'm positive that is NOT his email lol (I have him on msn and everything). Unless that is his serious/work email but then again thats a pretty poor choice of words. Also not sure how he manages to tutor HSC student while not even completing...
  17. Z

    School and ATAR

    Do you feel like crushing everyone, or a sense of competition that might drive you to succeed more lol That aside...are you exaggerating or actually cohort of 500 O_O I had a cohort of 150
  18. Z

    Dedicated and Innovative 3u/4u Tutor (ATAR 99.75)!!! 25/hr + FREE TRIAL PARRA-STRA

    Re: Dedicated and Innovative 3u/4u Tutor (ATAR 99.75)!!! 25/hr + FREE TRIAL PARRA-STR Thanks brah, bump
  19. Z

    Of course, HPLC and GLC is bound to come up every year in HSC

    Of course, HPLC and GLC is bound to come up every year in HSC