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  1. L

    NAS? The 3U V Art course??

    don't worry about lunch guys!! NAS has the best cafeteria!!! they sell really nice salads, foccacias, sandwiches, hot food, good coffee! Also there is a nice little cafe over the road called truck which gives art students discounts! great for the afternoon coffee break! I wouldn't go to...
  2. L

    NAS? The 3U V Art course??

    don't worry about lunch guys!! NAS has the best cafeteria!!! they sell really nice salads, foccacias, sandwiches, hot food, good coffee! Also there is a nice little cafe over the road called truck which gives art students discounts! great for the afternoon coffee break! I wouldn't go to...
  3. L

    Info HELP!!

    hi! I'm pretty much in the same position! pity there isn't a textiles text book! it would really come in handy right now!
  4. L

    NAS? The 3U V Art course??

    yep i did painting at NAS but actually used another medium for my BOW I don't think I learned that much that helped me, but it was fun meeting all the other arty people! I like art better than geog, however thats from a post major work point of view, a few weeks ago my answer would probabaly...
  5. L

    NAS? The 3U V Art course??

    by 3 U art do you mean the NAS course? yep i did both! The NAS course, I found was better for the whole "art school experience" than the actual skill I think for me, because I didn't even end up doing painting anyway! I did Art (+NAS), geography, Textiles (another major work which was due...
  6. L

    how do you get in to sam

    exactly what i want to know
  7. L

    How is you major work going?

    same! i'm doing mixed media collages too! Still quite a bit of work to go...
  8. L

    Did everyone hand theirs in ok?

    I was up until 2 am the 3 nights before I wish they didn't put trials on at the same time! I think I stuffed up the last section of my folio in a rush job...and that's the 10 mark section!!! oh well now they are gone we can forget about them for a bit! I'm just depressed I worked so hard...
  9. L

    Did everyone hand theirs in ok?

    thats good to hear natstar because my trials have definitely suffered and i hope I can still do well in the HSC! My folio was so rushed I'm really annoyed about- stupid time management! I had art and ext eng on the Monday and had no time to study for it and was so exhausted from such a...
  10. L

    NAS? The 3U V Art course??

    i did painting too i loved the second part, but i thought the first part was a bit of a waste of time how did you go juventino?
  11. L

    Did everyone hand theirs in ok?

    did you? This weekend was so frantic!
  12. L

    Positives & Negatives of Major Works!

    not long now! panic...... i've been working on mine full on for the past 5 days.... and it looks horrid! i want to cry! and theres no way i 'll finish it in time!
  13. L

    How is you major work going?

    not long now!!! however much i do it just seems like i'm going nowhere....
  14. L

    Positives & Negatives of Major Works!

    i know exactly what that feels like! stress, time management, holidays, weekends etc but then you are independent in what you do, the choices you make etc, not just learning out of a text book
  15. L

    Major works: the good the bad and the ugly!

    what do you think? of course there are benefits like expressing creativity, working independently etc.... but then there is the time factor, organisation, stress!!! anymore ? i need to give a tallk to a younger yr group about major works for subject choice so your opinions would be...
  16. L

    how much has everyone done?

    Major Works: positives & negatives! what do you think? of course there are benefits like expressing creativity, working independently etc.... but then there is the time factor, organisation, stress!!! anymore ? i need to give a tallk to a younger yr group about major works for subject...
  17. L

    Art masturbation

    oh i know what you mean! what i'm doing, i came up with totally by myself, through experimentation etc, yet my teacher wants me to write that i am refrencing another artist, because she apparently did something similar, even though i've never heard of or seen her work! it seems annoying you have...
  18. L

    Positives & Negatives of Major Works!

    18 Arial purple I'm in Yr 12 doing 2 major works and have to do a talk to younger years about subject choices! What do you love? What do you hate? Why? I'm interested in your opinions!