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  1. ixswans

    Highest Extension English Two Results

    I got 47. Very happy :)
  2. ixswans

    Share your 2009 HSC results here

    English Advanced - 90/100 English Extension 1 - 43/50 English Extension 2 - 47/50 Mathematics - 83/100 Modern History - 88/100 Chemistry - 71/100 Please God do not punish me for dropping Bio and give me something half respectable. Well done to everyone :) Wendy - those are outstanding results!
  3. ixswans

    BOS Showcase: 2009 Major Works

    I came here looking for the same thing.. then figured I might as well say gluck.
  4. ixswans

    BOS Showcase: 2009 Major Works

    Just over 5 1/2 hours left :) Good luck to all EE2ers! No matter what mark you got, be proud of what you have achieved - its not something every second person would have been able to do. Plus, you get to brag that you've written a novella, or created a film, or are a poet or a playwright...
  5. ixswans

    Romanticism, people!

    I kept misspelling stuff because I was writing faster than I was thinking. That's a first. My HSC is the marker's problem now :)
  6. ixswans

    Your Picks for MH questions for 09 paper

    Fuck I'm good. Excpet for Schlieffen plan. Very random, that.
  7. ixswans

    When is your last exam, and what are doing right after it?

    I finished yesterday, came home and slept for 14 hours straight.
  8. ixswans


    I did Gorby and basically interpreted 'times' to mean many times to which I connected his decisions and what he said in media to be a product of his experiences. Hopefully a 25-er, because I put a whole lot of effort into that!
  9. ixswans

    Someone has to ask it....

    Personality question killed my hand for Cold War. When I saw it.. "Their whole freaking life?"
  10. ixswans

    When is your last exam, and what are doing right after it?

    Last exam is tomorrow. I will go have lunch outside, come home and watch the totally, completely legal movie collection I have. Then party on Thursday when my friends catch up to me :D
  11. ixswans

    Modern game

    Berlin Wall! Also, Kennedy's assassination was what I intended, but this is probably more HSC related. 1957
  12. ixswans

    Tables turned on HSC students (SMH)

    Students are told - at least in my school - that they're taking a huge risk by pre-preparing. Our assignments are written so they deliberately throw us off the prepared response track - we had obscure quotations, a listening task to use as a related text, extracts as creatives which we had to...
  13. ixswans

    Modern game

    Defence Education Act 1958 - $2bn by America on its education system to catch up. 1963 If exam supervisors who breathe loudly and look over your shoulder as you're intensely doing your work come up to you, as happened to me yesterday for 10 minutes, just think of it as an important historical...
  14. ixswans

    Your Picks for MH questions for 09 paper

    Not crises! Pleeease Arms Race and Space Race.
  15. ixswans

    Modern game

    Racial Discrimination Act 1975 in Australia. Nothing for the Cold War, sadly :( & god help me for remembering that from Year 10 history. 1957 Good luck everyone. Last words of advice: If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!
  16. ixswans

    Tables turned on HSC students (SMH)

    I can't ever memorise anything properly, even quotes, so that's out. I know heaps of people that memorise introductions or conclusions or topic sentences and lines of arguments but whole essays? Why not spend that effort actually understanding the content so you can maximise your marks.
  17. ixswans

    Killed by multiple choice?

    Looks like I made quite a few 'educated' guesses that came out right.
  18. ixswans

    Polymer Question - PVC

    I did fractional distillation because crude oil is a natural raw material, and they didn't really specify anything apart from that.
  19. ixswans

    Multiple Choice

    I guessed B too, ha :D I did C first, then crossed it and went for B. Now they'll think I'm super smart!
  20. ixswans

    Polymer Question - PVC

    I said they used a mould to get the desired shape. Just to be thorough.