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  1. H

    Soundwave 2013 lineup

    any bands that might be remotely construed as 'decent' are awful live and get more awful at performing live every year why are you doing this to yourselves
  2. H

    Soundwave 2013 lineup

    wow so much shit music up in here examine y r u gay for billy talent he's awful and bland and sounds like every mediocre rock band ever
  3. H

    What have you eaten today?

    holy shit feel so gross hot chocolate 6 drinks (3 jd, 3 vodka) maccas small chips feel SO seedy right now
  4. H

    University Open Days

    god damn it shut the fuck up
  5. H

    University Open Days

    I'll come too ann (and convince you to come to uni with me) "yay!"
  6. H

    What are you going to miss about high school?

    i miss 0 things about high school i still see all of my friends i appreciate my teachers but I don't miss them i'm not forced into interacting with some of the brain dead idiots of my grade ever again subjects are better in uni the freedom that comes with leaving hs is incredible
  7. H

    chapter nfi dude

    chapter nfi dude
  8. H

    it's been forever since i've done wuthering heights (10 months lol) but gender role scenes...

    it's been forever since i've done wuthering heights (10 months lol) but gender role scenes catherine (original) changing from a roughian to a lady when she arrives back at her place after the dog bite iirc is a good one (off the top of my head, probs wrong)
  9. H

    What have you eaten today?

  10. H

    What have you eaten today?

    spewing luv that feel
  11. H

    What have you eaten today?

    gurl bud before suds
  12. H

    What have you eaten today?

    ^ sup girl 2 weetbix with soymilk 1 piece of toast with peanut butter a few sea salt chips carbs r life
  13. H

    What are conflicting perspectives?

    no i saw what you were trying to say, obviously i was just pointing out that you're an idiot as someone who has actually completed the hsc understanding in a poorly constructed english module =/= the same with history modules or anything else writing based y u so dumb dumbie
  14. H

    What are conflicting perspectives?

    getting above 86 is easy what is wrong with you that literally has nothing to do with anything itt
  15. H

    2012 Semester 2 UNSW Chatter Thread

    fuck sake yeah snowfox you are being a bit of a muppet tbh
  16. H

    not again... not too good either being an adult sucks hey how hot is that stats lecturer though

    not again... not too good either being an adult sucks hey how hot is that stats lecturer though
  17. H

    hey how's it going friend

    hey how's it going friend
  18. H

    Employers biased against some Uni's

    but then again I only read 3-4 posts up so I could be missing the original points of argument if so disregard