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  1. ebbygoo

    greyhound racing using live baits

    Participants = trainers, stewards, owners, breeders- those actually engaged in the industry. 20 of the alleged are isolated cases who are criminals. And no, you can't. You have no evidence or facts to suggest that is the case- you are making false accusations. It is simply not the case. You are...
  2. ebbygoo

    greyhound racing using live baits

    I don't believe- I know. 20 alleged offenders of an industry of 30000. Task forces now set up to investigate further. There's no escaping any criminal behaviours. Those who offended and committed these appalling actions should, and surely will be dealt with. This is not Armstrong. This...
  3. ebbygoo

    greyhound racing using live baits

    You nailed that part mate. ^Can we get the disrespectful troll banned?
  4. ebbygoo

    greyhound racing using live baits

    I can only see you referring to the horse vets. Which again, is not related to dogs. Equestrian and domestic animal vets often largely differ, and certainly in the case of the two industries, they do. Plus I agree, any rogues should go. Criminals should be dealt with by the law. But again, the...
  5. ebbygoo

    UNSW pre-semester meet 2015

    @obliviousninja Roundhouse has a bar, and it's located in a uni. Thus, uni bar. GG
  6. ebbygoo

    greyhound racing using live baits

    Good to hear there is still someone with reason.
  7. ebbygoo

    greyhound racing using live baits

    You may be correct but I don't see how it could justify the statements he above made about vets, where he implied corruption, again, a wild accusation without evidence which would offend some. Regardless, it's not really relevant to the discussion.
  8. ebbygoo

    greyhound racing using live baits

    Well Sydney Uni is a 'DOCTOR OF VETERINARY MEDICINE', and it and Charles Sturt are the only schools offering the degree in NSW- and Charles Sturt, especially being in a rural area, is aimed towards graduating rural vets (cattle, etc). So yeah, I believe so. But again I don't see the relevance...
  9. ebbygoo

    UNSW pre-semester meet 2015

    Where at? Uni bar?
  10. ebbygoo

    greyhound racing using live baits

    I don't understand what you're on about, and how this relates to the greyhound industry at all? That link is showing widespread animal cruelty which does exist in China- that has nothing to do with the 20 alleged offenders/criminals of the 30000 greyhound industry participants.
  11. ebbygoo

    greyhound racing using live baits

    So you are now resorting to having a go at vets? Vets who undergo six years of university to gain their doctorates degree? I think I am done dealing with you, you seem to have no evidence, and do not want to discuss the issue, rather criticise, make false unsupported accusations, and cause drama.
  12. ebbygoo

    greyhound racing using live baits

    I completely object to your statement. Again, you have provided no evidence, and are simply incorrect. Not only that, you show you are not informed properly in the issue by the suggestion that there are 'hundreds of thousands' of greyhounds- your numbers aren't even logical. Dogs are kept after...
  13. ebbygoo

    greyhound racing using live baits

    This is complete ignorance. There are 20 alleged offenders. 20 offenders is NOT 30000. 20 offenders across the spectrum. They provided evidence for a handful of offenders, not evidence to shut down the industry. Your number of 18000 is also completely off, and inaccurate. Also how do you, as...
  14. ebbygoo

    How do i lose 15kg in 2 months?

    Losing more than a kilo a week will likely result in you also losing muscle mass. More healthy to lose it over 4 months at lower amounts.
  15. ebbygoo

    greyhound racing using live baits

    This is not as simple as you think or the program would like you to believe. 1. "Greyhound racing" is not using live baiting. A select number of criminals are, and they will be duly punished for their activities. If you want to look up some facts, and not just blindly swear by the Four Corners...
  16. ebbygoo

    UNSW Chit Chat Thread

    Re: UNSW Chit Chat Thread 2015. Eyy same scif lecture (Y)
  17. ebbygoo

    UNSW Chit Chat Thread

    Re: UNSW Chit Chat Thread 2015. cheers for the info bruh what classes for scif
  18. ebbygoo

    What is your favourite breed of dog?

    Greyhounds are extremely loyal breed. Also, they honestly don't need as much exercise as people would assume. A simple walk a day is plenty. They are actually quite lazy dogs and happy to sleep all day (despite their size which would suggest otherwise). Most greyhounds are also extremely...
  19. ebbygoo

    UNSW Chit Chat Thread

    Re: UNSW Chit Chat Thread 2015. Bruuhhhhhh when are your mgmt tutes