Search results

  1. H


    Umat- one long boring and annoying exam :p good luck people :)
  2. H


    hint, the V in VSU stands for voluntary
  3. H

    usyd open day volunteers~~

    i'm so going to be stalking you stas
  4. H

    Any Bold & Beautiful fans out there!!

    yeah she did 'die', but when do these characters ever really die off? :p yeah phoebe and stephanie have been replaced by older twins too now, weird!
  5. H

    russell peters

    i was watching a live feed...well not a *live feed* :p
  6. H

    Fat pizza

    i met the guys from fat pizza on pitt street, the end.
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    Delta Goodrem concert

  8. H

    Course/subjects (2005)

    my prac is on Mon 2-5 too (although i do have other options) i'm going to see if i can change it
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    Course/subjects (2005)

    ooh advanced, will you be in the same lectures as BIOL1003?
  10. H

    Tutor available - English, Modern History, other essay-based subjects

    hasn't the syllabus changed a lot since 1993?
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    english tutors

    i know what you mean, my english teacher in yr 12 was sooo crap and didn't know anything, so i got another (good) english teacher to mark mine and she was happy to do it, perhaps ask another teacher (if you trust them) also don't underestimate uni students, i got tutored by a uni student and...
  12. H

    Body hair on girls

    like an epilady, its like an electronic device which has inbuilt teezers which rotate and when you put it on your skin it glides over your hair and plucks each one out by the root very quickly. it's pretty efficient but painful :p
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    that's my fave scent atm! so lucky you got it cheaper :p currently wearing: lolita lempicka
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    Semester II text lists

    ahahahaha <3 stas
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    vet science!

    i agree with what has been said above, but for the threadstarter if you want an idea of vet salaries you can look around, here's one link, although you have to remember they may or may not be fully accurate...
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    Semester 1 results (2005)

    i passed everything, phew what a relief!
  17. H

    Semester II text lists

    i have a similar question but with T Gagen...?
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    Semester 1 results (2005)

    'result not yet available' thought so
  19. H

    Is there a USYD end of exams party

    omg i heard that too, i heard he fell off level 3 manning (drunk?) and died damn, so glad i wasn't there to see it :S
  20. H

    shops that stock (insert brand name here)

    yeah when i went to GPs they were gone, but i they told me to leave my number with them and they'd call me when they get the ones i wanted in my size, but later that day i found the ones i wanted in SP1, it's in the galleries victoria (opposite qvb, where kookai and mooks is on the outside)