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  1. davidbarnes

    We should get rid of ANZAC day

    Your second paragraph answered your first paragrapgh and means I don't have to. You can't have 'whites' only political groups as that I just the same as the KKK or the Nazi partys and is entirely not accepable. You can have different political views, althoguh you can't discriminate on race.
  2. davidbarnes

    We should get rid of ANZAC day

    If you comply with the Whirlpool forum rules we will not have any problem. If you have a problem with a moderating decision pelase start a thread in TWAM.
  3. davidbarnes

    We should get rid of ANZAC day

    If you comply with the Whirlpool forum rules we will not have any problem. If you have a problem with a moderating decision pelase start a thread in TWAM.
  4. davidbarnes

    We should get rid of ANZAC day

    "you should write an article for menzies house about this oh wait" Ahahaha many laughs are being had currently at reading his stuff and his desire for right wing friend groups that are not the young Liberals.
  5. davidbarnes

    We should get rid of ANZAC day

    Do you not have family who have served in the ANZAC corps? Even if you don't, you shouldn't be such a douche about it and show a bit of respect.
  6. davidbarnes

    We should get rid of ANZAC day

    You are an idiot and a disgrace to Australia.
  7. davidbarnes

    I found you!/annagurl?sk=info

    I found you!/annagurl?sk=info
  8. davidbarnes

    does anyone want to help me proof-read an essay?

    Absolutely no way. You post here asking for help in one long winded, grammatically incorrect sentence with no uppercase of nouns or sentence structure. No offense but you deserve to fail for that.
  9. davidbarnes

    ANU Engineering vs. UNSW Engineering

    Screw moving to Canberra, just stay in Sydney.
  10. davidbarnes

    who is this "sinophile" or something??/ IM NEW HERE

    90% of the users on here who are Chinese.
  11. davidbarnes

    What have you eaten today?

    Re: What did you eat today thread? Hey Matt. What is up?
  12. davidbarnes

    What have you eaten today?

    Re: What did you eat today thread? You do not speak for bread. Have you not read hansel & Gretel?
  13. davidbarnes

    What have you eaten today?

    Re: What did you eat today thread? Sounds not bad. Should add that to the menu.
  14. davidbarnes

    I need to loose weight has anyone any excercise or diet tips?
  15. davidbarnes

    DVD Ripping program

    This ^
  16. davidbarnes

    Ext 1 English Text-Dracula by Bram Stoker. Thoughts?

    I read most of it for English. It is a hard book to get into.
  17. davidbarnes

    What have you eaten today?

    Re: What did you eat today thread? 3" ?
  18. davidbarnes

    DVD Ripping program

    DVD ripping is technically illegal.