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  1. davidbarnes

    Registration/buying a car

    Okay, lets see if I understand this correctly. I buy a car that is already registered. I then transfer registration to my name which osts $25. Registration seems to be based on car weight. If car weight is 1550kg approx, it will cost $446 a year to register. Is that correct? Also, since the...
  2. davidbarnes

    Sexist/mysoginistic protests

    I am of the opinion that it is in fact a serious issue that Julia Gillard and other female politicians face as women in public office. Female politicians (Liberal, Labor and Greens) come under attack more personally than males.
  3. davidbarnes

    them Sydney Trains moments

    Re: cityrail moments Why were you looking at the guy and not the girl?
  4. davidbarnes

    BOS State Election Exit Poll

    Abortion is illegal in Queensland. It is legal in NSW though. Not sure about elsewhere.
  5. davidbarnes

    BOS State Election Exit Poll

    Them Greens are looking pretty good right about now. Given however, Fiona Brynes anti Israel policy is ridicilous.
  6. davidbarnes

    them Sydney Trains moments

    Re: cityrail moments That is not cool.
  7. davidbarnes

    BOS State Election Exit Poll

    Hospitals still had problems today. As did roads, public transport and everything else. What is up Mr O'Farrel? Nothing has changed. There-in lies the Liberals big problem now.
  8. davidbarnes

    BOS State Election Exit Poll

    I think you forgot which account you were logged into there cosomo kramer :)
  9. davidbarnes

    BOS State Election Exit Poll

    I was correct. Read, in summary the Police are investigating the defacing of campaign posters.
  10. davidbarnes

    BOS State Election Exit Poll

    That is a crime.
  11. davidbarnes

    BOS State Election Exit Poll

    So you condem the Liberals for their far worse actiosn as outlined above?
  12. davidbarnes

    BOS State Election Exit Poll

    That is nothing compared to though
  13. davidbarnes

    BOS State Election Exit Poll

    Vote is invalid then.
  14. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Voting Intentions

    So you are denying that you are a racist?
  15. davidbarnes

    BOS State Election Exit Poll

    Voted Labor even though I don't like the local MP. Liberals will win the seat. Couldn't bring myself to vote for them though.
  16. davidbarnes

    BOS State Election Exit Poll

    Fixed it for you.
  17. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Voting Intentions

    Better idea: Racism needs to be outlawed furthur and racists like you locked up.
  18. davidbarnes

    BOS State Election Exit Poll

    Just got back from voting. Voted Labor (and Greens in the Senate).
  19. davidbarnes

    Security bus

    Goes to UNSW COFA campus in the city as well as various security bus stop points around the UNSW campus. Although personally you have more of a chance of being robbed standing there waiting for the security bus than walking from one side of the uni to the other at night etc.
  20. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Voting Intentions

    How do you coem to that conclusion? (btw you are wrong)