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  1. X

    How much did you write

    Remember people, quality over qauntity.
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    who ran out of time? or just had enough?

    I spent 10 extra minutes on Section 1, cost me Section 3 pretty badly :( Didn't get to pull one supp text in and conclusion.
  3. X

    QII - What pic you used

    rock clilmbing!
  4. X

    Does anyone need any UAI counselling?

    Asian parents just want their kids an easier life. So to them, University is the assurance we would have. Even though making into Uni isn't the end of the world, some what my parents still think so. I think Tafe isn't an option for me to my parents as University is the only way to go. ALSO...
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    Does anyone need any UAI counselling?

    My parents would just be extremly disappointed in me as well as my older sister.
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    last minute UAI estimate -.-

    Dang, going to a really good school does save your ass some what aye. Even those ranks are average, they are still good because everyone else in the school usually performs just as good.
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    Does anyone need any UAI counselling?

    Does anyone here feel that if they don't make it into university that your parents would feel really dissappointed?
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    Hiya ... kinda a prediction? A little rant to boot.

    Hah i think if i post my marks & ranks, i think Huy will give me an estimate that i wouldn't like to hear but still have hope for *sigh*
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    Help estimate my UAI it doesnt look good!!

    Yeah, leave Huy alone, don't stress him, he is cool, cuz he is Huy :)
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    Another question!

    Hmm today is the 12th, so we have 15 days until the HSC Exam. Im think im doing well. Im trying to answer go through the 2001 & 02 paper. As well checking up the syllabus.
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    Past Papers Vs Note Making/reading

    Well just do half half each. You would want to make sure you would know what to expect in the HSC, and the style of questions that are asked. Its the experience of doing them that will help you in the end.
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    HSC marks versus INTERNAL marks

    If you can sit down a do a past HSC paper and have an equivalent score to your internal marks they i don't see why you can't do the same in the HSC
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    2 WEEKS OF SCHOOL LEFT... thoughts?

    Man i haven't started studying yet. I been saying it to myself but damn so many distractions. I need motivations!
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    Software developer view of h/ware?

    I think im fine with the logic gates at the moment. Though converting binary and shit is confusing :/
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    Trial Marks for SDD

    I got 39/80 for my trials. 48%. Im coming 3rd or 4th out of 11 people in my class for assessment ranks at the moment. I am having doubts about how well i will do in the HSC now :/
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    How'd u go with ur trials?

    i got bloody 78/117 :/ 67%. How lame. Ranked 6/12 in the class.
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    UAI Prediction

    leesee hi jacked my thread hah
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    UAI Prediction

    I just done my trials and im not sure i even went well in them. Well iim certain i went well in IT and Senior Science. I got to make sure my Maths results are higher and also to work on my english :/ But im not sure now because since my trials are over, my ranks are probably still in the...
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    UAI Prediction

    Well i just what some kind of estimated mark before i go and research some course offered in universities i may be interested in. Im not one of those smart kids having great marks, im the average student of nsw or worst! Not scared to share my marks to other people. Got this from my half year...
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    HSC is slightly easier then trial exams right? I think i pretty much stuffed up my english, SDD and maths in my trials :/ Done well with IT and Senior Science.