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  1. B

    Post Your Best Essay

    Hey there, I figured a decent way for everyone on BOS was to post up their best essays as a means of improving our writing styles and methods. I know, for one, I'm really interested in the way others attack their topics.... Here's mine (from my opinion), a TS Eliot Literary Approach essay from...
  2. B

    anyone messed up with major work?

    I was used to getting top marks in Year 10 and the SC, but for some reason, I really didn't power for the first semester this year, and I was out of the top 3 for all my subjects, and I got 3/20 for my half-yearly English Ext. 1 test, which really blew me out of the water. Now I'm trying to hit...
  3. B

    Literary Theory/Approaches?

    Thanks! That helps alot!
  4. B

    Literary Theory/Approaches?

  5. B

    Mock Trial

    How's everyone going on this? We've made it into the next round, but were slaughtered by a very good/pedantic judge. Our XX was dour, and both sides had a few Browne and Dunn troubles. I never knew that evidence struck from the script in EIC could be considered admissable in XX! That hurt us...
  6. B

    Literary Theory/Approaches?

    Hi there, I've been a long time forum skimmer, but decided to join up. Perhaps because I'm in a little bit of a problem at the moment. We're doing TS Eliot and his poetry for an uncoming assment, and we have to answer: "What ways of reading can be applied to Eliot's poetry? Discuss at least...