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  1. Z

    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    guys im sooooo happy i got 91 in italian and 94 in pdhpe 😭 this is really motivating for me as I didn't feel I did as well as I could have in my first assessment tasks and was rlly upset about it :( GOOD JOB TO EVERYONE EVERYONE GETTING 99S IS CRAZY GOOD JOB
  2. Z

    motivation help PLEASE :(

    I just meant my marks for my assessments this term like what range they were. so in english advanced I bombed it and got a 77 so I said that was a band 4
  3. Z

    motivation help PLEASE :(

    guys ive gotten all my results back now and I've done pretty shit, 1 band 6, 3 band 5s, a band 4 and of course I failed maths 😍😍😍 I rlly haven't applied myself, I'm really upset with these results considering these marks actually count....... can I come back from this and still get a 92 😭 do I...
  4. Z


    do you guys have your ps?
  5. Z


    do you guys have your licenses? some people are really anti getting their licenses during year 12 but I think it's good! i have my ls which I got ON my 16th birthday atm and am really eager to get my ps in a months time, but some of my friends aren't concerned with driving at all? what do u guys...
  6. Z

    Ladies, please take a few moments out to fill out this survey for my major project! 🙏🏻

    can we please keep the responses coming, trying to get to 200 and am at 173 right now :) send to your siblings and parents too, much appreciated!!
  7. Z

    do i drop maths

    do i drop advanced maths? it will be a very difficult conversation with my parents but I am finding this subject soooooooo difficult. i get 85 and above in all my other subjects but for maths my highest year 11 mark was 38%. i don't really study for it but I can't take time away from my other...
  8. Z

    BAND 6 Modern History, Legal Studies, English Advanced and Extension Resources

    what texts have you got resources on for english extension 1 ?
  9. Z

    2024 HSC Chat

  10. Z

    which should i chose?

    idk anything about investigating but if you're gonna choose bio, find out about who might be teaching it. ask kids in the grade above you who do it how they feel about it. if the teacher is bad you will hate the subject, especially in year 11 - the content is very boring. year 12 content however...
  11. Z

    RELATED TEXT 1984 !!

    brave new world is good too !
  12. Z

    motivation help PLEASE :(

    everyone on this website scares me wanting to get at least 99 I feel like if I really tried I could potentially get a 99 but I don't need it for what I want to do and I don't want to put that pressure on myself because it wont go well for me mental health wise that's why I'm more than happy with...
  13. Z

    motivation help PLEASE :(

    I KNOW Also I'm so proud of myself tonight I made like full comprehensive notes for advanced english, broke down the rubric and wrote this cracka essay for my exam next week. doing stuff a week in advance is unheard of from me usually lol
  14. Z

    motivation help PLEASE :(

    my school's rule was if you do an accelerated subject you need to have 14 units in year 11 but I'm happy because I have 2 subjects done now and also I want to drop maths and maybe extension english depending on my hsc mark for this year
  15. Z

    motivation help PLEASE :(

    any tips on sitting down lol i end up just sitting there and staring at the wall or ending up on my phone
  16. Z

    2024 HSC Chat

    how do you get your subjects under all your messages like that
  17. Z

    motivation help PLEASE :(

    SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME !!!!! basically the title. i find it incredibly difficult to do any of my work, ever. i can't even sit myself down to do homework even when it's easy. i don't know what my problem is. my whole life i've been very lucky to do decently well (80s and 90s, even 100s) in every...
  18. Z

    2024 HSC Chat

    major design project for design and technology. it's just your major work, this is just some market research I'm conducting :D