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    Questions regarding selective and school enrolment

    didn't you notice him saying less than 7k annually 🤣
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    Is Art of Smart good for physics and chemistry yr 11?

    As an AOS tutor, it is designed for people who are failing and want a band 4/5, not people gunning for a band 6. PEAK is fantastic and I'd recommend; per hour it works out way cheaper than AOS.
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    Questions regarding selective and school enrolment

    selective schools won't take you in in term 2 of a school year. I would try and get on top of it now though if you want to go selective as it's not possible past year 11 entry. Catholic schools don't tend to do that much better academically compared to public schools; I went to a rank 550+...
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    What's your no-atar backup?

    why do people choose to be doctors, or lawyers or teachers?
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    UAC Application URGENT

    Yeah but that’s not for early entry buddy that’s early bird fee reduction 🤣
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    What's your no-atar backup?

    Woollongong and WSU would still give you early entry into law with those marks
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    Do HSC actually have an impact?

    Lol, no. If anything it is the other way round. Your internal marks, by the time you see them on your hsc results email, have been moderated to come into line with your hsc marks -> that’s how we get fair comparison between schools. If a teacher gives all his students marks between 90-100, but...
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    forced to do english and maths standard even though ive always been advanced. explained below. am i doomed??

    hmm most people I know with .9+ went du or equiv for math, ngo/peak/sigma/zhangs for sciences (often times a mix), private for English, and contour or smth for ucat. Depends on whether you stack your sciences at the same centre i guess. there’s also the people who double up on tutoring centres...
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    forced to do english and maths standard even though ive always been advanced. explained below. am i doomed??

    If you got a B in English I’m sorry but there is no chance you’ll get a .95. Not saying this to be rude, I’m saying this because it will crush you when you get nowhere near that mark on atar day. The people who get 99.95 are academic weapons since birth, who either take the highest scaling...
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    can I still get a 80+ Atar?

    Yeah if you lock in it’s possible. Need to work especially on VA because it will drag you unless you crack that break even point. practice papers and effective drafting and you can definitely achieve that goal
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    nah g I got long standing beef with hiva

    nah g I got long standing beef with hiva
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    yo, i was the guy who pointed it out. Happy to send the proof of his essentially fraud to anyone...

    yo, i was the guy who pointed it out. Happy to send the proof of his essentially fraud to anyone who wants.
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    Scaling is an important thing to consider during subject selection. theres a reason why the majority of students who get a 99.95 did the exact same ten units of 4u, engadv, chemistry, and physics, (the so-called "Asian 5") which is that they are the optimal scalers, and the majority of students...
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    The guilt is starting to kick in

    There's always been a bias against low ranking schools, especially because teachers at such schools tend to be, well, suboptimal, but I feel as though it's a blessing in some ways. I didn't have to try at all and was basically given Rank 1 at everything and could spend my time doing work I felt...
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    Might be a lot shot but does anyone know the stats for unsw gateway entry?

    Nah, you need to be going to a gateway school for a few years to be eligible. Additionally, there aren't many UNSW courses that have particularly high ATAR requirements so it wouldn't be worth it. If your school is good enough to not be gateway, you should be good enough to get the 85 or...
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    The guilt is starting to kick in

    Hey, what you're describing is almost exactly how I felt and it turned out fine with me getting a 99+ ATAR at a rank 550+ school. The problem is you've bought into teacher's unfounded notion that the only way to do well in HSC is to write and revise notes and do textbook work and blah blah...