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  1. B

    Any one use YourTutor?

    it's not the best... but it can be useful, even for senior years (note i only do 3U maths) but i have encountered a tutor who didn't know how to do a circle geometry question because they've never been taught it... which is strange. apparently she was from QLD or something .. overall, worth a...
  2. B

    RSC a good school?

    coz they had a good cohort? and its assumed that each year would get better... especially after being partially selective for how many years now..
  3. B

    now don't i know you xD

    now don't i know you xD
  4. B

    2009 HSC School Rankings

    damn nsg drop out of the top 5!!! :evilfire:
  5. B

    2009 Preliminary Yearlies Discussion Thread

    re: Preliminary Yearlies Discussion Thread hmm they are okay... engadv - good 2U maths - good legal - mieh okay chem - blargh i dont like chem so whatever now studying for 3U maths =(
  6. B

    2009 Preliminary Yearlies Discussion Thread

    re: Preliminary Yearlies Discussion Thread wow im sure we're not the only ones.. but we're more than half way through our yearlies... i finish next tuesday =) eco last.. then party!