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  1. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    :uhhuh::rofl::wave: Another sportingly good day off school...except it rained while we were playing.
  2. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    :rofl: where's gangles when you need her?? Ohh Sam, you didn't do that bad. Kick butt and ace them next time - country pride on the line!!:p:)
  3. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    awwwe Sam *hugs* :)
  4. dr baby beanie

    Half yearly marks and ranks + thoughts

    :eek: :eek: and I'm not even talking to you right now! Me too, I'm getting butterflies/tummyaches but I try to maintain :cool:. :rolleyes: sure you didn't :p Congrats nonetheless!!:D Yay I don't think I get my ext 2 results until Thursday, however I my ext 2 teacher has this thing of...
  5. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    Ergggh, no more chocolate (...for today), but I may need a large dose for tomorrow.
  6. dr baby beanie

    dot point summary books

    For text books: Jacaranda physics and chem does that. Conquering Chemistry does that as well. :)
  7. dr baby beanie

    Easter Holiday Progress

    :lol: both ;):o (the latter changes according to the occasion;):D) ...4am - well, you know now ;)
  8. dr baby beanie

    Easter Holiday Progress

    Yeah I knew I forgot to do something. :o I finished my Easter choc!! :(/:D...:confused::p
  9. dr baby beanie

    Anyone else a bad procrastinator?

    Awwwe nic *hugs* :) :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  10. dr baby beanie

    Is your best subject your favourite also?

    :rofl: @ Sam :rofl: @ gangles Morning gaiz :wave: ...waiting for half-yearly results before further comment.;);) f3r15 I already had that idea ;)
  11. dr baby beanie

    Half yearly marks and ranks + thoughts

    And who's fault is that?! :p Yeah, we should get them first week back. I'm sure you did awesomely leggy! ;)
  12. dr baby beanie

    Is your best subject your favourite also?

    haha, maybe then again it's nearly always been maths :p;)
  13. dr baby beanie

    What did you achieve these holidays?

    :lol: one more day, should study, *meh* going bowling!! :D Good luck 08'ers. :)
  14. dr baby beanie

    What did you achieve these holidays?

    adding + 3 question sheets on stimulus booklet *double sigh* one day of holidays left and still very little done :(
  15. dr baby beanie

    How many units?

    awwwe much <3<3 and good luck!! :D:D
  16. dr baby beanie

    What Year/Grade should we consider seriously studying?

    I agree, keep up with the maths skills. :)
  17. dr baby beanie


    lol, that's sort of like my would-be eco teacher (- if I had a class). He wrote an entire HSC and prelim econoimcs text book on his own. When it came to publishing he got none of the credit...because he "sold/gave" it to his friend for a 6 pack of beer as he was going through a divorce and...
  18. dr baby beanie


    Yes, just like we all "plan" to do more work. ;)