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  1. dr baby beanie

    Outage - 15-Apr-2007

    :rofl: yeah strange things are happening at bos
  2. dr baby beanie

    Easter Holiday Progress

    Easter Holiday Progress: Before: Average hours on msn per night: 3.5 Now: Average hours on msn per night: 6+ :o
  3. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    :uhhuh: ...and you were there!! :eek:;)
  4. dr baby beanie

    School plans for the Easter holidays

    lol, the order of these posts are screwd :confused::p
  5. dr baby beanie

    School plans for the Easter holidays

    :lol: I did Othello - it was good :p Don't worry tamaranadine, you'll get it all done. I have faith in you. ;) :wave: Enjoy your holidays 08'ers. :D
  6. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    haha :o well, we'll go down there the first time, remember the double b-day parties, then gangle's formal;)...then they can come up here for schoolies? *shrugs* P's BBS.;):p
  7. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    :wave: :wave: LOL!! yes yes, ur awesome too :D <3 <3 Both are equally good here. :p Nah-ar, done and done. ;):D
  8. dr baby beanie

    How did you study for your Half-Yearly's?

    Doing very little the night before then getting up early and studying out of my "kiss notes" and "jac cards" - it hopefully got me through, but I'm actually going to study next time. :o
  9. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    :eek: orly!?! :p HELLO, WE HAVE REAL AIR! ...& awesome beaches, awesome sunsets, awesome food, awesome people (eg me and BBS;)) and you get to bask in general country awesomeness!! :D:D
  10. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    LOL!! I was thinking about you (b4 I saw this post;))...wish you were here. <3 :):shy: time ;):D
  11. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    ...and now including the awesome nichhhole, oh we are complete!! s2 ;)
  12. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    :wave: <3 Recruitment drive of cool people converging in the hottest place tonight!!
  13. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    Today I met gangles, chocolate_lover, SS, bringbackshred, sofstar, chocolat!! Awesome people!! :D <3
  14. dr baby beanie

    Is your best subject your favourite also?

    *continues with the Hi's* :wave::wave: My best subject become's my fave. :)
  15. dr baby beanie

    Easter Holiday Progress

    Started integration by substitution, then got distracted by friend who JUST got her P's and had to take me out. ;) Go Mimi <3
  16. dr baby beanie

    Umat? Summer School?

    LOL! I went to a med info arvo and the surgeon who was giving the lecture and does this internship thing through UNSW, said it was a waste of money to do a one of those courses because "there is no evidence to suggest that those who attend coaching courses do better than those who don't."...
  17. dr baby beanie

    Half yearly marks and ranks + thoughts

    I'd be extremely "lucky" to get them at the start...(school is very, very slow at times) ;);)
  18. dr baby beanie

    Easter Holiday Progress

    Yeah, I'm re-reading my HSC text. It's not going to well though, spose I have next week to finish it and then perfect my essay :o
  19. dr baby beanie

    Is your best subject your favourite also?

    :eek: /:mad1: /:rofl: ...I spose I might actually get work done - if that happened then at least I can come back and really contribute to these threads. :uhhuh: qft :shy: :wave: hello, hello, premium here!! (hopes for immunity;))