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  1. R

    Usyd's timetables are out

    I wonder if they'll roll back all the changes that students made?
  2. R

    Arts Network Mentoring Program

    still no email here!
  3. R

    Usyd's timetables are out

    haha, its fine. I just wanted to ask if the lecturers would get pissed off if you were allocated 3PM Mon/Tues Lectures but you end up going to 1PM Mon and 3PM on Tues. I'm pretty satsified with my timetable. Not exactly what I want but better than nothing!
  4. R

    Usyd's timetables are out

    Sorry, I meant that it keeps allocating me to another time slot instead of the one I want. Would this indicate that it's filled? Edit: Another question, When you try to fix your...
  5. R

    Usyd's timetables are out

    Thanks mate! When it doesnt allocate one of the tutorials where its possible does that mean its filled?
  6. R

    Usyd's timetables are out

    Anyone have any clues as to where the timetables are for the USSC classes? Theres this: and it says but the timetabling system doesnt acknowledge that and gives me something funky. Is it safe to say that the...
  7. R

    prerequisites waived based on majors?

    I fully understand the implications. Not being able to have breaks isn't that big of a problem to me as I'm actually studying what I enjoy, I practically study those subjects at home through reading articles and texts. I would like to finish in two years due to the fact that I would like to...
  8. R

    prerequisites waived based on majors?

    This is my plan at least for now. For my double majors, and at least to the standards I would want to do them at, I would be at 108 Credits. I am limited to 18 Junior Credits per Subject which would lock me out of ECOP and AMST. I need a minimum of 96 Senior Credits...
  9. R

    prerequisites waived based on majors?

    An update: Contacted multiple people but no one has a definitive answer. I contacted the Coordinator for USSC and he sent me an email saying: However the Course Work Manager seems extremely adamant in not allowing me to ask for exemptions. I also called the UG B.A student service, they said...
  10. R

    USYD Roll Call 2013

    Bachelor of Arts : Political Economy & American Studies I
  11. R

    prerequisites waived based on majors?

    Hey guys new here, I just wanted to ask about this line here: As a first year student, I actually wanna accelerate my degree if possible so I will be taking USSC2601/2602 HSTY1023 and GOVT2445. I'll be majoring in American Studies and Political Economy. I find it a bit pointless to do...