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  1. anju_th

    I.T Textbook

    yeh dey were well one of them of the guys who got the band 6 gav a talk on the enrichment day and man day guys was FULL ON into IT like programming, networking, and he even metioned workin at one of those huge IT places..... geez
  2. anju_th

    I.T Textbook

    lol yeh and did u guys know that only two ppl out of WHOLE NSW got in band 6 for I.T last year.....dats real scary......
  3. anju_th

    I.T Textbook

    its not out yet...i think the ppl who were at the IT information day were the ones wrting the textbook and dey were on abt how it was finished yet........i know pretty shitty
  4. anju_th

    I.T Textbook

    yeh kinda i think the CSU HSC site is pretty useful...definately look at that and i think the notes here for I.T are the same/similar frm the HSC CSU site....just in a diff. format..
  5. anju_th

    I.T Textbook

    gr8..doesnt dat mak life easier :( Thanx Winston
  6. anju_th

    I.T Textbook

    How exactly can u earn one?
  7. anju_th

    I.T Textbook

    "all subjects no matter how easy they are, are equally entitled to give out Band 6's" Geez hopefully :)
  8. anju_th

    I.T Textbook

    Hi Morph Im sorry...Andrew was teacher didn't have the hardcopy version of the independant paper.. Sorry
  9. anju_th

    I.T Textbook

    R u srz.....even if u get 100%....dats a bit teacher has the copy of it....i dunno if she has it on disk...ill ak tho...b4 skool ends :)
  10. anju_th

    I.T Textbook

    hmm will definately check it it tru abt all the rumours dat since IT is a VET and Cat. B subject dat it will get scaled down? Will it eva get scaled up? We did the catholic paper for the trials and i found it not too bad.. and for practice we did the independant paper and dat was a...
  11. anju_th

    I.T Textbook

    Hi Thanx....yeh my teacher fotocopies some of the chapters out of one or two of those textbooks mentioned above....
  12. anju_th

    I.T Textbook

    LOL .....if i do decide to buy it will let u know how it is.........if anyone else buys it do let us know if it is worth the pain and money
  13. anju_th

    I.T Textbook

    Tru...probably a bit late but it wont hurt to check it out...i mean id rather spend $30 improving my I.T rather dan do bad at a subject dat gets scaled down if u don get above average....ill probably chek out the content and if its worth it id probably cringe and get it :)
  14. anju_th

    I.T Textbook

    Hi Apparently theres an Excel book for IT thats bein created....i read it sumwhere in this group but not sure wn its comin out...i heard it was arnd september but yeh not sure.......
  15. anju_th

    I.T exams

    My skool almost the same but v did have a half was one of those common papers......ill try to find out if she have a softcopy of it but no promises though........probably dont have exams for IT in ur skool coz only the trials are counted........
  16. anju_th

    I.T exams

    Hi Guys Anyone have I.T exam papers frm ur skool hat u can put up for posting? Recently did my half yearlys and they marked the I.T exam so harddddddd and said thats how dey r gonna mrk it in the HSC so it REALLY scared thought more practice is best..........if u do have papers...
  17. anju_th

    School Subjects

    Is my ranking bad????? geez..........but 3 unit students get 100% in 3 unit.......and that just pulls the rest of 2 unit down.......but i heard a rumour that this time the board of studies are only gonna compare u wit ppl doin the same subjects as u.... dunno how that works but thats wat I...
  18. anju_th

    School Subjects

    Yeh my ranking of arnd out of the school grp of students doin maths which includes 3 unit as well as 2 unit........
  19. anju_th

    School Subjects

    Thanx for replying guys But if I maintain a top 15 rank in all of my subjects (cept for maths coz its against 3 unit ppl too) but if i come arnd 30-40th out of 136 ppl in maths wud dat b ok? I heard a rumour dat ppl who do the same subjects are only gonna b compared dis...
  20. anju_th

    School Subjects

    Hi Guys Just wonderin abt the subjects Im doin at school I do: 2 unit maths 2 I.T 2 Chemistry 2 Biology 2 Standard English Just wondering if these subjects wil b enough to get 95+ in the UAI....If I wanna get 95+ how shud I b doin in my HSC exams.......shud I b gettin 90+ in all...