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  1. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    will take 2 scoops later, will update on results with chest workout
  2. _trickster_

    Took first ever scoop of JACK3D

    before my workout today didnt feel any difference.... am i supposed to take it on an empty stomach or something? cos i think ill just go the 2 scoops next time
  3. _trickster_

    Wiki war: 3500 unpublished leaks destroyed forever as Assange hits out

    fuck thats a good load of information he obviously believed that assange was getting a bit out of hand and did this maybe jealousy? but still its a bit selfish to just do that and not tell anyone else neo-nazi files...
  4. _trickster_

    I hate the HSC

    fairly sure by this time next year youll be like, fuck i worried too much and realise youve still got 50+ years of your life much like everyone else your age.
  5. _trickster_

    Difference Between Sources of Protein Powder

    So, ive been looking at some different powders online, and the ones that are sourced from new zealand are more expensive than those from the US and Australia Does anyone know if theres an actual difference or is protein just protein and it doesnt really matter of the purity/quality of it
  6. _trickster_

    i love you?!

    love is the release of oxytocin and Serotonin by the body to induce this feeling of deep emotion
  7. _trickster_

    Attempting 70 day (10 Week) fitness program

    cant be fucked counting calories tbh fist sized portions ftw
  8. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    everyone does this, its even better when there are rows of treadmills...... inb4crepe
  9. _trickster_

    Attempting 70 day (10 Week) fitness program

    yes, now fuck off. might try this 300 point thing, looks like fun
  10. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    thats fucked, but awesome at the same time have you been progessing in weight as well though?
  11. _trickster_

    Can someone tell me how to get rid of this virus?

    wrong fucking section GTFO
  12. _trickster_

    good night clubs?

    SUP ASIA Greenwood Hotel is the best imo (better class of women/all round a nice place to be) Soho Ivy has a LARGE entry fee and no one dances if youre into that kinda thing Hot Damn is trashy as fuck but scene girls are like froth worthy Fake Club iunno im a promoter for Zaia, hit me up if...
  13. _trickster_

    Protein Powders

    cheapest prices for protein will mostly be ebay. everyone forgets about this place but there will be around a 50-80 dollar difference in prices ive just found this site called professionalwhey, someone tell me how it goes, i might go them soon but i have my own little store where i get it for...
  14. _trickster_

    Life advice?

    Remember the Golden Rule, he who has the Gold, makes the Rules
  15. _trickster_

    Do ABC guys like fob girls?

    read this too, double page spread more text than zyzz article
  16. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    0 minutes tertiary education 30 minutes in the centrelink line 10 minutes sneaking into your local ymca so you dont have to pay for membership
  17. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    you should also send in some leg shots, just for us to judge your progress and to see how your hamstrings have developed
  18. _trickster_

    Protein Powders

    ON 100% Whey Isolate ON Serious Mass pretty standard and does the job, i know a place where i can get them for cheap (40% off) which makes them easier to buy tried Musashi bulk, which is very cheap, quality of their protein is apparently really bad Chemist Warehouse has some pretty cheap shit...