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  1. graceluvsA's

    Predictions for Julio-Claudians??

    Hey apparently the trials are predicting what the HSC is gonna do according to my teacher so does anyone have any idea of what the Julio-Claudian questions will be. Plsss, or could you tell me what your question was?
  2. graceluvsA's

    Preparation for trials

    I write the essay, send it to my teacher, apply her feedback until it's PERFECT, then make flashcards/note cards like for a speech and I record myself reading out the essay and listen and read it for a couple of times then start writing it while looking at it and then writing it without looking...
  3. graceluvsA's

    Mod C full marks discursive piece 20/20

    I was inspired by Zadie Smith and I wrote this in an undertime exam and my teacher loved it so much she got me to type it out so my class could read it. My stimulus was "Do I dare disturb the universe?" from T.S. Eliot's poem 'The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock' (my teacher has a thing for...
  4. graceluvsA's

    Idk what to do with my historians in my major project.

    Hey guys, I don't know if I should make a statement then get a historian to support or counterargument me orrr get 2 historians who oppose then synthesise them + give my opinion. What did you guys do? Which one do you think would make a more cohesive response?
  5. graceluvsA's

    Perché c'è nessuno nel questo forum?

    Mia mamma è una insegnante di Italiano è mi ha detto che c'è solo 300 persone nel Italian beginners. Omg.
  6. graceluvsA's

    What's everyone doing for their major works and how are you going with it?

    Ooh that sounds like a really cool topic. That sucks it’s right before your pip omg and so close to the hsc too.
  7. graceluvsA's

    What's everyone doing for their major works and how are you going with it?

    I feel so sick of mine right now, I bet after I submit it whenever I see anything relating to my topic I’ll get traumatic flashbacks.
  8. graceluvsA's

    What's everyone doing for their major works and how are you going with it?

    Mine is due in 3 and a half weeks and ive currently got 1800 words and I gotta do 2500. I'm doing mine on the Bush administration misusing and manipulating history around the invasions of Iraq in 2003. If anyone has finished theirs or just wants some feedback I'm open to doing that but if you'll...
  9. graceluvsA's

    2023 HSC chat

    Hey people who do history extension or r doing projects that require footnoting, can I copy word for word something but then footnote it or do I have to paraphrase it? Also, do I include my footnotes in the bibliography, I added some random sources just to beef it up so my teachers didnt mark me...
  10. graceluvsA's

    2023 HSC chat

    Has anyone started studying for trials yet? Idk if I should just do no revision and just keep doing past papers cuz i think id start reaching into the parts of my brain by seeing where I get stuff wrong or doing flashcards and revising all content then past papers.
  11. graceluvsA's

    How the heck am I supposed to prepare for Mod C

    I wrote a piece but yeah I did not really talk about my culture. Could I get some feedback, not hardcore but just thoughts on the initial read? The stimulus for the discursive is "be a voice, not an echo." My teacher said the stimulus will be about going against norms and stuff for my exam on...
  12. graceluvsA's

    How the heck am I supposed to prepare for Mod C

    I have an exam in 2 days and I sent a draft to my teacher but idk it was about identity and how im half italian but it felt stupid so now im doing ai replacing writers but i just idk what to do.
  13. graceluvsA's

    2023 HSC chat

    Soz im here again but whos doing VA here. I have an assessment due week 2 when we're back for like major work progress and ive done one painting and a bit of research on an artist. Idk how much im supposed to do to get good marks but anyways im leaving art because it scaled me down so bad in the...
  14. graceluvsA's

    2023 HSC chat

    Thanks for replying! The toltecs sound really interesting to me from the little reasearch I just did, I think I might look at the Aztecs histiography of the toltects and yeah the authenticity of their myths around the civilization. Thanks a lot! :jump:
  15. graceluvsA's

    2023 HSC chat

    Hey! Is anyone doing his ext here? If so do you have your question yet, I kinda don't and I'm freaking out. I wanna do controversies around the Unknown Mayan decline but idk anything. I just wanna do something around ancient south American history because it just really interests me, if anyone...