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  1. R

    Will my work be marked first?

    retard, the papers are split up between hundreds of markers, 50-250 will be marked first at the same time
  2. R

    what raw mark do you need to get a band 6???

    My neigbour is an HSC marker for maths and he reckons this year u need 111-114 for a band 6.
  3. R

    Wrist/hand damage from exams?

    Yes, a friend of mine got misadventure for english paper 2 courtesy of a minor wrist unjury
  4. R

    Predictions...Who will come first in the HSC School Rankings this year?

    Not with that dyke Ash as the principal they won't.
  5. R

    >>The entire paper here<<

    Oh man I so should have done general maths instead of advanced back when i had my HSC :(
  6. R

    Media attacked as Merrylands attackers jailed

    Yeah thats what i thought as well bbut when I went there last year there I saw a couple of Asian"$2 shops". I was most upset. :(
  7. R

    Tehran the target in online war

    Re: Violent Israelis now using computers to simulate wars with Arab states "for some reason" - Watch the news once in a while will you, hating Isreal should be a national obsession after all the crap they do. Mind you I'm not a big fan of Arab's but when your a superpower you can't go into a...
  8. R

    special provisions

    Good thing about uni is that they don't give a crap about special provisions so if you do get in courtesy of your cheating you will just fail uni and have a HECS debt as a kicker. Personally I think your full of shit and just saying this to infuriate other students doing the HSC.
  9. R


    I had a look but i couldn't find it, can someone post up the paper
  10. R

    only used 2 booklets?

    Probably will get marked, the examiners arn't retards but you would probably attract a penalty for being retarted
  11. R

    Did you arive late?

    Not to rub it in but the HSC is probably the most important thing up to this point in your life. You really should have set more then one alarm clock or gotten your parents or one of your friends to give you a wake-up call.
  12. R

    When to go to the exams?

    Hmm intresting post. Nice Tits
  13. R

    Rudd's $10.4bn cash giveaway

    LOL found a house in the country going for $24,000. First home buyer grant buys half of it for me.
  14. R

    Unemployment Essay

    Add something about frictional employment, underemployment and there is ine more I just can't remember the name and should be a sweet essay
  15. R

    Radical Muslim Cleric's Daughter is a Pole dancer!

    She can dance on my pole anytime
  16. R

    Israelis attack Arabic man for driving

    Any of you guys want to go hunting Jews this weekend. We can take their money bags as trophies. But no seriously, Jews are hypocritical assholes and they bought the holocaust on themselves.
  17. R

    Agricultural Economics

    I do this and i can tell you its an absoloute bitch of a course in terms of maths. There is alot of hardcore maths in it, on the upside the degree is quite flexible in terms of electives. Contact time is about 12-15h per week. My advice is unless you are prepared to do alot of maths don't do it.
  18. R

    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 2 Chatter Thread I just think i made a massive fuck-up. What happens if you submit an assignment in hard-copy on the due date but forget to submit it softcopy through blackboard.
  19. R

    how much money have you spent on study guides, tutoring, study camps etc.?

    I've been tutoring a girl in economics since the start of year 12 and i get paid $60 an hour and do 2 hours a week, so: 60*2*45(roughly) =5400 Also i know she is tutored for all her subjects so: 5400(approx)*5= $27000 But then again if I lived in a $5m house and drove a porche I'd...
  20. R

    Have you ever had a real fist fight?

    Been in one serious fight (not including primary schoool crap), didn't have much choice in the matter it was eaither punch the wanker or be glassed. Few minor scuffles playing rugby but they never turn big and atleased when your on the field you know nobody is going to pull a knife and stab you.