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  1. Eusebius

    pompeii sources

    Theres some many, probably like to start with Pliny the Younger's Letters. Thats a no brainer.
  2. Eusebius

    How many band 6 is needed for UAI 95+?

    Re: How many bang 6 is needed for UAI 95+? Must of read it wrong. There is 600 in the state. Must of been another statistic.
  3. Eusebius

    UAI Prediction Please

    I think we're ranked 18/21 in the Inner West Region. 802nd must of been another statistic. But yeah this region has Fort Street, PLC, Burwood girls. So yeah. Our school is not so bad.
  4. Eusebius

    How many band 6 is needed for UAI 95+?

    Thnks alot. good going to go watch two and a half pretty funny. Then sleep. i love sleep!!
  5. Eusebius

    How many band 6 is needed for UAI 95+?

    Ive run out of ideas for my study, finished my study notes before the trials. Revised them about 20times each. Probably takes me on average 4-5 hours each subject. ive looked at past papers, done past papers. Looked at sample answers. read and re-read essays. memorised quotes and legislation. Is...
  6. Eusebius

    How many band 6 is needed for UAI 95+?

    okay. lol. Our school came 802nd in the State and 18th in the region. lol. so bad.
  7. Eusebius

    How many band 6 is needed for UAI 95+?

    lets just say that my school is a low performing one. The average is usually low but there are always one or two high achievers. Does it matter if my ranks and marks are way ahead of everyone else?
  8. Eusebius

    How many band 6 is needed for UAI 95+?

    ive got: English Advanced: 1/25 = 90 English Extension 1: 1/5 = 45 English Extension 2: 1/4 = 47 Modern History: 1/20 = 89 Ancient History: 1/22 = 90 Legal Studies: 1/18 =94 History Extension: 1/12 =49 Studies of Religion II: 2/30 = 92 What UAI can i be expecting?
  9. Eusebius

    UAI Prediction Please

    ive got: English Advanced: 1/25 = 90 English Extension 1: 1/5 = 45 English Extension 2: 1/4 = 47 Modern History: 1/20 = 89 Ancient History: 1/22 = 90 Legal Studies: 1/18 =94 History Extension: 1/12 =49 Studies of Religion II: 2/30 = 92 What UAI can i be expecting?
  10. Eusebius

    UAI Prediction Please

    ive got: English Advanced: 1/25 = 90 English Extension 1: 1/5 = 45 English Extension 2: 1/4 = 47 Modern History: 1/20 = 89 Ancient History: 1/22 = 90 Legal Studies: 1/18 =94 History Extension: 1/12 =49 Studies of Religion II: 2/30 = 92 What UAI can i be expecting?
  11. Eusebius

    UAI Prediction

    ive got: English Advanced: 1/25 = 90 English Extension 1: 1/5 = 45 English Extension 2: 1/4 = 47 Modern History: 1/20 = 89 Ancient History: 1/22 = 90 Legal Studies: 1/18 =94 History Extension: 1/12 =49 Studies of Religion II: 2/30 = 92 What UAI can i be expecting?
  12. Eusebius

    UAI Prediction

    I bet you go to one of those high paying or selective schools. Am i right? lol
  13. Eusebius

    UAI Prediction

    Do you think that School Rank actually plays a big part in UAI scaling. I mean do they realise if youre from PLC or James Ruse. Does the prestige of the school play a part in scaling???
  14. Eusebius

    UAI Prediction

    ive got: English Advanced: 1/25 = 90 English Extension 1: 1/5 = 45 English Extension 2: 1/4 = 47 Modern History: 1/20 = 89 Ancient History: 1/22 = 90 Legal Studies: 1/18 =94 History Extension: 1/12 =49 Studies of Religion II: 2/30 =92
  15. Eusebius

    UAI Prediction

    I have to say that School ranking plays little part in your UAI scaling. Thats why you always see afew 100 UAIs from schools youve never heard of. In the end its how well you do. Of course your class average will be take into consideration. But if youre doing well in comparison to the form...
  16. Eusebius

    class of 06. Post ur university prefrences

    Dont think ive ever heard of that course, there are alot of science courses which seem like jibberish. lol.
  17. Eusebius

    class of 06. Post ur university prefrences

    Of course you can, just work harder and youll be okay. I hope I get into Law, that'll make me happy. So how is everyone going to feel after the HSC 2006 is finished, the last minute and when you put your pen down. I think i going to feel a strange and unexplainable feeling of hollowness...
  18. Eusebius

    class of 06. Post ur university prefrences

    Im hoping for a place a USYD for a Combined Law Degree, either Arts/Law or International Studies/Law: 99.55 Also applied for law at Macquarie, UNSW and UTS My courses and marks: Extension Two English: 47 (ranked 1st in Course) Extensioin One English: 45 (ranked 1st in Course)...