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  1. J

    2017ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    ye that's exactly what I said lmao And I expect around 10 or 15 people doing it next yr
  2. J

    2017ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    cause bio is boring
  3. J

    2017ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    well I was thinking of starting 4u, phys, chem like reading some textbooks but now yearlies finished I just feel lazy lol
  4. J

    2017ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    lmaoo found out that I got 99% in maths 3u yearlies, lost a mark cause I wrote an unnecessary incorrect restriction on x lol. Oh well learnt a lesson here, not to write any further unnecessary stuff haha
  5. J

    advantages and disadvantages of working in a group or individual
  6. J

    Prelim Chem Thread

    We did this prac, Its AgNO3 (aq) + NaCl (aq) -->AgCl (s) + NaNO3 (aq) You can decompose this AgCl with light; 2AgCl (s) --> 2Ag (s) + Cl2 (g)
  7. J

    2017ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    We didn't lmao, we're too slow at the science subjects Only finished like the first 2 focus area in water haha. But good thing I can start yr12 work by myself after the yearlies
  8. J

    HSC 2016 Maths Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2016 2U Marathon f'(x)=nx^(n-1) f''(x)=n(n-1)x^(n-2) f^n(x)=n!•x^(n-n) =n!
  9. J

    2017ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    3 weeks no school cos exams lel. Except 2 hours every dew days haha
  10. J

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    lel thanks for the links
  11. J

    Prelim Physics Thread

    wut*10%5E-7*-1.602*10%5E-19 you probably divided it (dividing it gives me your answer) instead of multiplying it to find the force haha
  12. J

    Prelim Physics Thread

    I think you forgot to put a -19 on the calculator haha. I'm getting -9.612*10^-26 N
  13. J

    Prelim Physics Thread

    use the formula E=V/d E=24/0.2 = 120 NC^-1 you can see a quick derivation of that formula if you search it up
  14. J

    2017ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    I meant I* wasn't talking about the same school lol
  15. J

    2017ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    we got like 175 m8
  16. J

    HSC 2016 MX2 Integration Marathon (archive)

    Re: MX2 2016 Integration Marathon I= \int \frac{\sqrt{2+x^2}}{x}$ d$x \\ =\int \frac{2+x^2}{x\sqrt{2+x^2}}$ d$x \\ $ let $ u=\sqrt{2+x^2} \Rightarrow $ d$u=\frac{x}{\sqrt{2+x^2}}$ d$x\\\therefore $ d$x=\frac{\sqrt{2+x^2}}{x}\\I=\int \frac{u^2}{u^2-2}$ d$u = \int 1+\frac{2}{u^2-2}$ d$u\\ =...
  17. J

    Prelim Physics Thread

    a=(v-u)/t = (20-15)/4=5/4ms^-2 F=ma =1000*5/4 =1250 N in the direction of it's motion
  18. J

    Prelim 2016 Maths Help Thread

    woah congratulations mate! get that top 5 ranking haha
  19. J

    Prelim 2016 Maths Help Thread

    Part 3: If you sub b into the original equation, it must turn out to be 0 (since b is a root). So b^2-3b-13=0. Now multiply each side by -2, you get -2b^2+6b+26=0. Now subtract 26 from both sides and rearrange the LHS to get 6b-2b^2=-26. So you can see the LHS is exactly what the question wants...
  20. J

    Australian Maths Competition

    Re: Australian Maths Competition 2013 yeah I don't think I fully got the question, and yeah I just assumed it haha, I didn't fully go into it, was just thinking of a quick answer by looking at simpler cases