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  1. J

    Cambridge Prelim MX1 Textbook Marathon/Q&A

    Re: Year 11 Mathematics 3 Unit Cambridge Question & Answer Thread Since its in a NE - E direction, the angle DPE will be 45. Then use cosine rule
  2. J

    Just a little confused about making notes...

    The 'students learn to' is the theory part and the other one is the prac. It's better to make notes on both of them, as the prac ones are in fact important. For example, the second dot point in the 'students' column from the very first part of chemistry talks about separating a mixture of sand...
  3. J

    2017ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    Am I the only one doing King Lear and Change as AOS? haha
  4. J

    Microsoft Surface Pro 4 (and Surface Book)

    I have the surface pro 4! I didn't buy the surface book cause it was a bit too expensive and not much portable compared to the pro 4, and 3 hour battery on the table mode (without the keyboard) means you cant really use it as an ebook, pdf reader, etc for too long in my opinion. However the book...
  5. J

    Anaerobic Respiration

    2C3H6O3 simply means 2 molecules (or moles not sure) of lactic acid. Even though there equal number of atoms of carbon hydrogen and oxygen atoms, they are not bonded in such a way that they turn out to be glucose, get it? It like saying 2 molecules of hydroxide (OH) is actually hydrogen peroxide...
  6. J

    name of the symbol Ø?

    ah, I see, thanks man!
  7. J

    name of the symbol Ø?

    When referring to angles (eg. cosØ) what's the name of this symbol Ø? I searched up in the internet and some say its phi (golden ratio), slashed zero, diameter, but not sure which is the actual correct name when referring to angles. Also, out of curiosity, does it have any meaning other than to...
  8. J

    Algebra Q

    difference of two squares: a^2 - b^2 = (a-b)(a+b) in here, a is h+3i and b is 7j. therefore the answer is (h+3i-7j)(h+3i+7j)
  9. J

    electron configuration

    I'm not an expert at chemistry but ill try to help you. You should know that the atomic number of silver is 47. That means that there are 47 protons and electrons in a neutral silver atom. There's a general formula to find the maximum electron in the nth shell, 2n^2. Using this, you can complete...
  10. J

    Mathematical induction for division, odd numbers

    Please help me with this question from Cambridge 3u yr 11. (Pg 235 4b) Question: Prove these divisibility results, advancing in part B of the proof from k to k + 2: (b) For odd n: (i) 3^n + 7^n is divisible by 10 I have done all the way to proving 3^(k+2) + 7^(k+2) = 10p, where p is an...
  11. J

    Geometry Question Hope that helps :)
  12. J

    Girraween HAST test for yr11 2016

    Hey guys, right now I'm in year 10 and attending a pretty academically bad school (in the 450 rank). I was thinking of applying to a selective school such as penrith and girra and so I need to do the HAST test in order to apply or Girraween. So is the test easy or hard? I'm alright with the...
  13. J

    Subject selection help (ancient history)

    Thanks for the response guys! I'll be doing theoretical physics in university (if I ever get into it). Since I do need to choose 1 more subject, I'll go with ancient history since I like it much more than Modern. Even though I heard that ancient scales lower than modern/legal, it is much more...
  14. J

    Need urgent ATAR help

    So im in year 10 right now and doing accelerated course in earth and environmental science. Before I even chose it, they said it will be interesting and will help us in other sciences such as physics, bio, etc. Well, they were right as we did learn about evolution (bio) but I do not find ees...
  15. J

    Subject selection help (ancient history)

    Hey guys, so on Wednesday I have my subject selections. I need a minimum of 12 units so I kinda made up my mind. Maths extension 1 - 3 units English advanced - 2 units Physics - 2 units Chemistry - 2 units Biology - 2 units Ancient History - 2 units So altogether I get 13 units...
  16. J

    help on HSC verbs

    This is my first post, so Hey guys, I'm in year 10 right now and doing earth and environmental science accelerated course. I plan on not counting it towards my atar since it is low scaled and I do not enjoy it very much, although I will try my best and maybe keep it if I get 90+. My trials is...