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  1. W

    Print/Writing Techniques, Advanced English

    LoL, Grumley used to be my teacher. Forget what he says, he's always trying to be dramatic.
  2. W

    Survivor: Heroes vs. Villiains

    I really dont like James. Why was he put on the Heroes tribe? And Parvati should be voted out next. I dont know why they voted out Randy instead of her. She is a major threat and like Randy, I also hope that this doesnt turn out to be Survivor Micronesia 2.0
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    The Big Bang Theory

    Actually, Seasons 2 and 3 got progressively worse. Mostly because they've dumbed all the jokes down a lot, so non-science nerds can understand.
  4. W

    The Big Bang Theory

    Yes, I watch it! And its not sad you get half the jokes! I usually get all the jokes and it makes it all the more funnier!
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    Doing fundamentals or normal maths

    Yeah, Normal Maths would proabaly be really hard since you didnt do Ext1. Why didn't you do Ext 1 maths if you want to do a maths/stats major? Was it a recent decision? Maybe you should try a bridging course.
  6. W

    How to get 95+ atar?!

    Just try you best and aim to come at least in the top 5 for most of your subjects at school. It worked for me.
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    Journey texts

    Films -A Beautiful Mind -The House of Sand and Fog -The Last King Of Scotland -Gran Torino -Million Dollar Baby -The Pursuit of Happyness Books -The Road by Cormac McCarthy -The Last Lecture by Randy Paush -Mao's Last Dancer by Li Cuxin
  8. W

    introductions & conclusions?

    A good introduction wouldn't just restate the question. If your given a question, it will usually ask to dicuss/ explore/examine, etc. So you should express what your going to be talking about in your essay and your opinion of the text. (But this doesnt mean you say I feel...etc). It should show...
  9. W

    Print/Writing Techniques, Advanced English

    Who said you cant use similes? If its appropriate of course you can use it. However, probably the best technique you can use for your story is symbolic imagery. Try and develop the mood by describing the setting through metaphors, hyperboles, etc.
  10. W

    Power and powerlessness.

    What about film? A Beautiful Mind is good. Also the book, The Road by Cormac McCarthy is also good. Its post apocalyptic and deals with questions that ask what would you do in such a powerless situation. It's short and well written with lots of techniques.
  11. W

    experiment help

    Are you asking for what experiments you can carry out using plants? If so, the most common ones involve the effect of light/absence of light on plant growth. An interesting one is the effect of gravity on plant growth. If you grow a plant and then turn it sideways, after a couple of weeks its...
  12. W

    Animal and Veterinary Bioscience.

    There is Chemistry fundamentals for people who didnt do chem and fundamental maths for those who have only a basic knowledge of it. I dont know how much chem is involved in veterinary bioscience, but I think it would be an advantage if you took chem as a subject in first year.
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    does sydney uni have a gym

    Sydney has 3 swimming pools and i know of at least 2 gyms at USYD. It has everything!
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    Best Science uni!!

    Physics would def be best at USYD.
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    anyone completing a biotechnology degree?

    I do Advanced Science at SYD, which means that I could major in biotechnology if I wanted to, but I dont have a particular interest in it. But I am so jealous of budding biotechnologists, because yes, it is everywhere, and you'll be able to get a job if you do well enough in uni. If you really...
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    uts vs usyd in science

    I do Science at Sydney and can definitely say that Sydney would be the best. It has the better reputation, and there are alot more subjects within the environmental area to chose from. If you look up the handbooks (dont know if UTS has one) you can see the different types of subjects they offer.
  17. W

    Study guides for English?

    They usually are, even though teachers will tell you everyone buys them and so when it comes to the HSC, markers will have read 100s of essays like yours. As long as you incorporate of few of the study guides ideas along with your own, then they can help make a great essay.
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    Survivor Samoa

    I watched this survivor season online and noe who wins!
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    Advance science at UNSW or USYD

    Well I haven't been to UNSW, but I go to Sydney and do an BSc (adv). I chose Sydney because of its reputation and also because of the courses it offers. In terms of honours at Sydney, you will need to have a credit average, but to stay in the BSc (adv), you will also need to maintain a credit...
  20. W

    17 year olds?

    So, I was the same. There are a lot of 17 year olds. Not to mention 15year olds as well who skipped ahead.