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  1. X

    What does everybody want to do and why?

    Amuka Once again could you please leave your political thoughts of this thread, it is not the time nor the place, unless you are stating your plans for the future. You obviously have hang-ups to act in such an intolerat mannor towards me. If you beleive in freedom in the art of freedom of...
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    What does everybody want to do and why?

    Amuka you stated that "Exactly where did i state that i wanted war without serious debate", yet you commented "People like you are total oxygen bandits and a disgrace to the human race". I am sorry maybe you are able to spell and remember quotes but you contradictions scare me. I respect you for...
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    What does everybody want to do and why?

    tree hugging hippi actually im not a hippi but thankyou for your sweeping generalisation and for illustrating my oppinion that people who are prepared to go to war without serious debate are simply cowards un-willing to listen to anyone's oppinion. I take it from your comment that you would...
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    excellent, what kind of centre, is it full or part time work?
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    What does everybody want to do and why?

    I personally want to get into a BA for anything in sydney and then transfer to journalism. I want to write for the anti-war movement and to endevor to allow people freedom of expression and a search for peace. I was wondering what other people wanted to do and most of all why? :cool:
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    OTEN- Distance Ed

    Hi i did Oten-de for all my HSC, did anyone else do Oten, Distance ed for all or any of their subjects. If so message me! :rolleyes:
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    Hi! I live in the country= i.e - no jobs available so i was wondering if anyone has any experience with telemarketing at home and if its safe. Thanks
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    How'd You all Go... Aahaha beat you all to it...

    multiplyer??? was that the thing in the yellow 'writing in' booklet which said something like m= whatever and k= whatever, and it was worth 4 marks??? I had no idea what that was so i just left it, i find essays and that pretty alright but when it gets to adding up aghgghh :eek:
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    How'd You all Go... Aahaha beat you all to it...

    yep yeh i think it was better than i expected! But did anyone use any current economic data? for some reason the questions didn't really have a need for that, i suppose u could add some, but i forgot all about that :rolleyes: Thank god exams are over! congratulations 2 all!
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    Can you help me on Ottawa Charter?

    Dont worry there's still tonight to learn some, heres a couple of ideas Discuss how the creation of supportive environments is used to mangae the health of Australians? - socioecological approach- i.e the environment and reducing polution for asthma etc - changing environmental...
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    Whats so bad about...

    hey shell oopsies, i posted the thread to u as a whole new thread- look at the topic bored lol :D - its me by the way- lana
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    Hey Shell

    Hi, Just thought id say hi shell- i just joined. Well i know u'll get in to bathurst and im sure u'll love it!! Cya. P.S do u have email?