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  1. Ellztrap

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I wish I could sleep those hours, but alas I can't get to sleep at 9
  2. Ellztrap

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I have gotten into the habit of going to bed at 1:30am And getting up at 10am Atleast bio trial isn't until 12pm?!
  3. Ellztrap

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I'm coming 5/20 for bio overall!!
  4. Ellztrap

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I'm trying to get myself to think that the HSC is a means to an end, and that if I keep trotting along now I will be rewarded by rest at the end
  5. Ellztrap

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Ok, I will keep that in mind if I feel like I do now tomorrow, glad it's a later exam tomorrow too
  6. Ellztrap

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    What's the thing to do if you are too sick to go to a trial exam?
  7. Ellztrap

    Should I drop to 5.2 maths

    This is hella late but I would suggest do 5.3 maths, what is in there now (imo) will come up in general. I did really bad and came second last in the two 5.3 classes, but when you get into general you see the stuff you didn't quite grasp and its like its taught a second time and really makes sense.
  8. Ellztrap

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Exams locked in principals office, the school had rang a locksmith to open it
  9. Ellztrap

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I find even just writing it helps put some shit in my brain
  10. Ellztrap

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    The key isn't to memorise whole essays, write paragraphs on various themes, characters, and what not and have a detailed idea of them, and then build your essay on the spot. Like go through all the past paper questions relating to that text and write down a basic plan for each, see what the...
  11. Ellztrap

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Some schools may do a dodgy
  12. Ellztrap

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    One related, I didn't study one please end me
  13. Ellztrap

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I messed up Forgot everything for module A so essay was a page long Forgot to study related text for module c so I had to recall stuff from 30 minutes of the movie we looked at in class for it. I didn't know the characters names so I called him the protagonist. Idek if he was the protagonist
  14. Ellztrap

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I am gunna fAil so hard
  15. Ellztrap

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    What the fuck I haven't memorised any quotes and I hate myself
  16. Ellztrap

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I am reading all these posts by you guys about messing up and writing like more than three pages, and I am just like wot I did terra bad haha kms Legit didn't feel too bad after exams then I came on here and it's like rip omfg
  17. Ellztrap

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    No idea what percentile means or anything. Class of 5 kids tho
  18. Ellztrap

    Finding a balance

    I have spoken to my maths teacher about it, I have spoken to my other two teachers about it. Maths teacher says just focus on maths English/modern teacher says forget about bio, focus on modern Bio teacher says focus on bio :/
  19. Ellztrap

    Finding a balance

    See this is where I am getting to with maths, the amount of homework we get is enormous especially compared to other subjects, and I am getting into shit for not spending the most time on it
  20. Ellztrap

    Finding a balance

    I have one or two specific holes in my maths knowledge, I am aiming to fill those gaps by hsc exams, and not by trials. I get home at 4, and say I have half hour break 4:30 would be study start, from there let's say ideally 5 hours, allowing time for dinner and what not, however sometimes there...