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  1. M

    Biology + English

    How many ppl think this subject was concocted by the biology syllabus being viciously mauled by the english syllabus......
  2. M

    Anyone else totally fucked?

    I hate this subject, and the BOS only compunded matters by having three exams in two days, o lucky me. At least my stupid class provided two years of amusement at stupid illogical responses, and 4 lessons on the flow of blood. O well yay for 12 units and no more pe after tomorrow avo......
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    Structure Of Tomorrow's Exam

    Looking at last years Exam, they changed the structure and only had 8 long answer questions, two for each core and two for each option. This is different from the trial. Does everyone think that this will be the structure of tomorrow's. I'm a bit screwed for the test anyway, its my worst...
  4. M

    King Lear intro - plz help

    A quick question, are you doing Brook's 1962 stage production or his 1971 film in black and white. both maintained similar nihilstic themes although the techniques and acting used are very different due to the different medium. plz reply
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    Queen Lere

    can go one better is desingers sketches of costume is the real faq link
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    Queen Lere

    Go to the FAQ part. Lere was wearing a long skirt contrasted to a grey leather military dress jacket, and a german military style hat. as with the other women in the play a long sword representing the power held over...
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    Coloured skin

    ive heard that there is a balnce between skin colour and a vitamin (D or K) produced by the interaction between sunlight and the skin. if they live in a place with a lot of intense sunlight (Africa) they suffer sunburn and couldn't function properly. however the draker pigment prevents the...
  8. M

    are we just the result of mutations?

    in very basic terms we are mutations or variations. Even Darwin was never sure of his theories and in generaly just stated facts about the closeness of species anatomically, ie his finches that were specialised to their enviroments but were all related. i definately recommend his book...
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    Approximating roots / function continuity

    i don't know if i've missed something but to prove a root lies between two values don't u sub each value into the function and it's proved if they are of opposite values, i.e. one positive one negative. please correct me if im wrong, i don't wanna stuff this up
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    worst exam ever!

    we got the letter about Edmond or Regan. terrible question, i think it undermines the whole course. it doesnt allow any interpretation of the text, themes or meaning of productions. limits it to a year ten charcter study. basically all my study was worthless except for a few edmond quotes
  11. M

    Help with quote analysis?

    "Thou hadst little wit in thy bald crown when thou gav'st thy golden one away" - 1.4.125 The fool is refering to Lear giving away the throne. his bald crown is a reference to wisdom, bald being old, saying that it was a foolish act to divide up the kingdom, and the golden crown is the throne...
  12. M

    integration Q

    ∫(2x3/2 - 1)^1/3 √x dx let u=x^3/2 du = 3/2.x^1/2.dx I = 2/3.∫(2u-1)^1/3.du I = 2/3.[3/8.(2u-1)^4/3] + C I = 6/24.(2u-1)^4/3 + C I = 6/24.(2x^3/2-1)^4/3 + C