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    Distinction Courses

    hey well.... my school is offering distinction courses but dunno if i shud take it up.... sooo anyone with advice? wat was it like? for the people who did it, would u recommend it? atm i'm stuck between philosophy and cosmology
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    when is your preliminary exam?

    week 10-11.... dunno y they wanna do that but yea.....
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    maths ext2???

    hey yr 11 and i'm asking people who are doing ext2 maths.... is it hard? shud i try it? cuz i'm doing ok in maths atm..... any advice?:)
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    Term 2 Holiday Discussion!

    well i'm planning to... *catch up with my sleep... *study *homework *tv *youtube *n dotpoints.... yea....:)
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    '07 Preliminary Roll Call

    well.... my name is Andy I go to Westfields Sports High School. Subjects: Eng [standard], ext 1 math, chem, phy eco, engineering n i do a tafe course. More of a math/science person... the tafe course is for fun...:)
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    Uni Open Days

    when is USyd's open day? wondering...
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    How was your school day?

    tiring... got heaps of hwk and tutour hwk...
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    What time do you sleep n get up

    well.... just wanna kno to see if i'm staying up too late [11:30-7:30].
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    Best prelimary chem textbook?

    chem-contexts phy- Jacaranda math-fitzpatrick
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    How many hours of hw/studying do U do?

    omg i try to do it but... 1- tutours. not a lot its just the times are scattered on normal days n i come home @ 8pm. then theres dinner etc.... 2- sleep. skool starts @ 8:10am 3- its just a big massive pile to go through...... on average i try to reach 1.5 hrs....
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    If English wasn't compulsory, would you do it?

    Yea i'd do it, to get a piece of paper saying that I am able to speak the language.
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    Stuck without teachers

    i use chemistry contexts 1 [for prelim] and jacaranda for physics @ school. but i have others conquering chemistry and chemistry in context. by the way for physics, isnt jacaranda the best physics textbook out there? if not can u suggest any others?
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    Need To Find A Good Pen

    i like using the papermat kilometrico as a person just beginning to use 1 it is smooth. but i switched to the Sheaffer sentinel because i found it n its an ok pen to use:)
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    Scaling game???

    what is the scaling game?:confused:
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    Best+Worst of Teacher Quotes and Habits

    yes this happened in my math class during a fire drill n we had to follow proper evacuation routes. OH&S *bell goes off, everyone runs around* Class- where do we go, wheres the map? Teacher- I'll be back..... next thing we know she runs out of the building.
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    Best+Worst of Teacher Quotes and Habits

    yes that happened to my geo teacher but he drew on the projector screen
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    Is the any other way?

    hey, I've heard from other ppl that u can gain entry into a med course through a science degree. Since you are allowed to transfer [scie-med]. Is this true?:confused:
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    '07 Preliminary Roll Call

    Andy i attend westifelds sports. currently do English standard, math ext1, phy,chem,eco,engineering, tafe[automotive]. more of a science/math person dun like English and essay's
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    Can I achieve my career goal/s?

    hey, ok so...i'm doing English standard, Maths Ext 1 [accel],Physics,Chemistry,Economics,Engineering Studies, and TAFE [automotive]. I'm just wondering if I could achieve my goal of being a Doctor [Surgeon or a GP] or a Aeronautical Engineer?:cold: Thanks.
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    HELP!!!!------ Visual text ---- change

    need to find visual text that relates to change overall:burn: