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    HONOUR ROLL Out Early??

    2021 cohort, especially those in LGA's should be really proud of themselves for getting through the worst year literally ever except for the Spanish Flu and Black Plague Years.
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    HONOUR ROLL Out Early??

    With the HSC literally anything is possible thought I was screwed in eco after messed up my trials but managed to get it
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    HONOUR ROLL Out Early??

    Ah ok nvm thats what the facebook group is saying
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    HONOUR ROLL Out Early??

    Thank god all-rounders list, finally my parents are proud of me
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    HONOUR ROLL Out Early??

    They forgot L and K is actually 2020 results lol
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    HONOUR ROLL Out Early??

    Now I'm just annoyed we have to wait 2.5 more days for the actual results and ATAR.
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    HONOUR ROLL Out Early??

    Yeah overall scaled mark is at least 90
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    HONOUR ROLL Out Early??

    Yeah NESA better not be trolling us
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    HONOUR ROLL Out Early??

    How hard was the chem test this year? I did last years and it was one of the hardest ones they've done.
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    HONOUR ROLL Out Early??

    What was eco like this year?
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    HONOUR ROLL Out Early??

    @jimmysmith560 you absolute king, the reason I got a band 6 in english and eco. Remember me?
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    Maths Ext 2 Predictions/Thoughts

    4u scales a bit worse than it used to with the new syllabus and all being easier though yeah an 80 raw for an e4 sounds pretty good.
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    Anyone have sample responses for this section 4 question

    lol I did the protection essay
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    Modern History 2021 HSC Exam Predictions/Thoughts

    @jimmysmith560 I've finally finished my HSC.. any words of encouragement for the future?
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    Modern History 2021 HSC Exam Predictions/Thoughts

    Well modern's definitely not counting towards my ATAR lol
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    Modern History 2021 HSC Exam Predictions/Thoughts

    Just wanted to ask what your predictions are for the questions; I'm betting they ask turning points
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    Modern History 2021 HSC Exam Predictions/Thoughts

    Anybody here do Russia and/or pacific?
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    Economics HSC Exam Predictions/Thoughts

    I feel like the shorties were mostly ok, I was thrown off a bit by the G20 but the rest were pretty good if not a bit boring. I mean I sudied the entire year just for the exam to have environment, exchange rates, a little bit of inflation and micro and literally the entire of Topic 1 in the HSC...
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    Economics HSC Exam Predictions/Thoughts

    yeah thats basically it. the g20 is literally the most useless economic forum/organisation out there and that's including the OECD so it says something and it was only 2 marks.