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  1. Zoinked

    Trial Papers Heres a ton of engineering papers.
  2. Zoinked

    post trials estimate please :)

    Atar calculator putting in exactly 90 for each subject gives me 97.65. I think you'll do better than that so 98.5ish
  3. Zoinked

    Transferring from B.Business/B.BCII to B.Business/B.Law

    Move thread to the UTS section
  4. Zoinked

    Applied Finance/Commerce at MQ suitable for Investment Banking?

    Will this degree make me a competitive candidate for such a position?
  5. Zoinked

    Past Papers Its not much but it might help
  6. Zoinked

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Just finished my legal trial and then someone in our class linked a pdf to our group chat... it was a 2015 trial paper the teacher plagiarised the shit out of. All 3 essays, most of the multiple choice and some of the short answers were all there word for word. I already went shit in the paper...
  7. Zoinked

    Atar estimate top 5-10 school

    Most likely he/she is ranked substantially below the top kids who I assume are getting like 95%+ averages and this could end up squashing down his HSC internal mark. I might be wrong though, thats why we need the percentages. Without the percentages ill say 82.
  8. Zoinked

    How likely is it for me to get a double exam day in hsc ?

    Three sciences won't double up, the English's have their own days, 2U maths is a course with a large cohort so usually wouldn't share with a science. 10% chance max, mate, dont stress
  9. Zoinked

    Writing Speed in Exams

    Its where you tape a battery to the end of your pen whilst doing any hand written work, writing notes, practise essay etc. It strengthens your hand so that when you are writing without it, your hand moves faster and you can write for longer.
  10. Zoinked

    Are ranks more important than your raw marks? TRIALSSS

    In response to your original question, I would argue that ranks general skill and competency is what is most important. In order to get high raw marks or good ranks, you need to have that high level of skill in your course. If you come rank 1 for example, theoretically, you should get the...
  11. Zoinked

    To the students from top ranking schools... Everyone is welcome though

    Si does 4U english as a buffer lol. Si acknowleded on another thread their english will be bad so theyre hoping that out of their 4 units, they get 2 units of redeemable marks.
  12. Zoinked

    Answering any General Mathematics!

    Correct me if I'm wrong, its been a while since general lol. b) You know that there are four aces in a deck and the hand can only have one, which means after choosing your ace, there are 48 cards remaining. 4x48x47x46x45 should give you the answer. c) 4x3x48x47x46. That should be how its...
  13. Zoinked

    Online Tutoring

    @Integral95, sounds like he is deciding on whether or not to offer online maths tutoring.
  14. Zoinked

    When does trials start at your school?

    2nd of August to the 9th of August. Rank 300 ish school
  15. Zoinked

    Prelim Chem Thread

    There are multiple methods of separation, etc filtration, centrifuge, distillation. I can't really help you unless I know what method you will be using. Check this website out to find out about a few different types of separation.
  16. Zoinked

    Externals vs Internals [State Ranking] (General Maths)

    You pretty much have to get 100 in general to get a staterank, 100 in both externals and internals (so stay rank 1). You might scrape a 19th or 20th or something with a 99 though.
  17. Zoinked

    ATAR Estimate - Haven't done well so far and losing hope

    Btw, you won't be able to do engineering with general maths
  18. Zoinked

    Prelim Chem Thread

    What is solution A and what is solution B ?
  19. Zoinked

    Which subject???

    I have heard from many sources that Uni Biology doesnt rely on information learnt in HSC bio so based on that I would choose physics as it is both arguably more interesting and gives greater knowledge to apply later on. Also, economics is great and you already have a history so maybe you could...
  20. Zoinked

    Low bands in ADV english or High Bands in Std english?

    If you could get band 6 in standard, you most likely would have gotten a higher mark in advanced. Advanced and standard scale exactly the same. Its just one is harder so they give u a higher nominal mark (advanced) for the same exam marks. Standard has easier to understand texts and easier...