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  1. K

    losing weight?

    Are you guys crazy?!? I happen to work for a nutrition company and sell products/programmes to help people lose, gain and manage their weight. Stress is the worse way to lose weight. You will only lose weight in the short term. Stress damages the Villi, the finger-like structures...
  2. K

    Anyone into Amway?

    I agree. And one great thing about Amway is that you don't pay for property rent.
  3. K


    Thanks for the opinion guys
  4. K


    It's boring. There's no creativity involved. For example, in financial accounting, you learn a set of rules from the accounting handbook and apply them in problems.
  5. K

    ACCT2011 - Financial Accounting A

    Is anyone doing the research project?
  6. K

    Anyone into Amway?

    I agree with with Desmond. I work with a company that has a similar structure as Amway. There has been news representing such companies as being a fraud. There's a lot of bullshit comments coming from people who think they know how these companies operate.
  7. K

    Best/easiest Ways To Make Money!!

    I think the quickest way to make some cash is getting a marketing/sales job. Companies such as Comunicom and DeVries Marketing readily accept applicants regardless of experience. Otherwise... apply for macdonalds/KFC etc?
  8. K


    Hello, I have a tax question for those of you who are: Attending Full time Uni Employed Use Public transport to/from work ... Do you buy train tickets at the concession rate or full rate? CityRail's requirement for concession rate use includes: "For full time NSW/ACT students...
  9. K


    I was going to say the exact same thing...
  10. K


    Should be your tutor. Guissepe only reviews very poor and exceptional papers.
  11. K

    Econ & Business Subjects choice...

    sub par = super ... i think
  12. K

    FINC2012: Corporate Finance

    Oh nevermind. Yes they are the same. I personally find the e-workbook worthy because the questions and feedback are helpful. But i think the questions may not be challenging for the more intelligent students and therefore not worth purchasing.
  13. K

    FINC2012: Corporate Finance

    In the Perdisco e-workbook, their approach to "annuities due" questions differ to the one shown in our textbook. The two approaches produce different answers to each other.
  14. K

    Unis seen as entry factories

    I second that. International students are taking university places and jobs from Australian locals. I find them quite annoying in that they are generally anti-social people (especially asian ones) and that they are unable to perform in group tasks (such as contribution and even come to group...
  15. K

    White chicks and Asian Guys

    The topic would be better written as "White chicks and Chinese Guys".
  16. K

    Unis seen as entry factories

    I don't think the idea that Australian universities are better than China's is the main drive for international students to study here. It is because most of them want to avoid the fierce job competition in China and so they come here in hope for a job AND permanent residency. After having to...
  17. K

    FINC2012: Corporate Finance

    shit.... i meant FINC2011 Have you been using the Perdisco e-workbook? If so, have you tried "Annuities due" questions?
  18. K

    FINC2012: Corporate Finance

    FINC2011: Corporate Finance Greetings, Is anyone doing this subject for this semester?