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  1. undalay

    What's so good about med?

    Sorry i am talking only specifically abotu medical practioners. Because frankly, if u wanted to a politician, you would have studied a different degree. Because randomly ending up in a different career rather than a medical practioner is not unique to the MBBS, and imo should be disregarded...
  2. undalay

    Are you honest if you are given marks you dont deserve

    As a math teacher once said. "why the bloodyhell would u mention that"
  3. undalay

    UAI Estimate

    Re: quick UAI prediction ^^ 60 uai
  4. undalay

    What's so good about med?

    police officers, politicians, scientists? and to be fair; A rich person has more power to change lives than a doctor.
  5. undalay

    easy complex numbers question

    ur rotating A->B so the tail must be A. IT must be A->C it cant be O->C
  6. undalay

    2007 HSC - Easier or Not?

    bl for us lol. but multiple choice is sometimes tricky ?
  7. undalay

    Can Preliminary knowledge be tested in the hsc?

    not directly tested. But alot is assumed knowledge, esp the skills. e.g. the concept of moles; you're not going to relearn it during yr 12 chem. BUT U NEED TO KNOW IT VERY WELL
  8. undalay

    What happens as an object approaches c?

    obviously the universe would implode.
  9. undalay

    2007 HSC - Easier or Not?

    english adv is getting harder imo ...
  10. undalay

    What's so good about med?

    KFunk your reply is definitely valid in many points, but by nullifying my points, you have still not addressed the question in hand (in my eyes). Why is medicine so attractive? I am led to believe that medicine has very little room for personal ambition in terms of career success.
  11. undalay

    How strict are UAI cutoffs?

    cut offs are not rigid. Anyway, it fluctuates every year. ediT: furthermoree the abolishment of DFEE suggests a drop in cutoffs.?? possibly
  12. undalay

    People with higher IQ 'Less Likely to Believe in God'

    I'm not sure if anyone posted this before. Just wanted to show something relating to einstein: "In the note, written the year before his death, Einstein dismissed the idea of God as the product of human weakness and the Bible as "pretty childish.""
  13. undalay

    What's so good about med?

    There are many more professions that help people a great deal more then medicine, however they don't get anywhere near as much attention as medicine.
  14. undalay

    easy complex numbers question

    it gives u the angle of 45 on the diagram
  15. undalay

    What's so good about med?

    lyk seriously: a) i takes a huge chunk of ur life b) it doesnt even pay THAT well c) the huge competition means the majority will not rise in the hierarchy d) its depressing to see people die all day e)
  16. undalay

    What's so good about med?

    Am i missing somethign?
  17. undalay

    easy complex numbers question

    uploaded for u; sorry in advance for poor quality
  18. undalay

    easy complex numbers question

    erm u did something wrong tommyy ? not sure how u got that
  19. undalay

    easy complex numbers question

    For complex A->B = O->B - O->A and A->C = A->Bcis45 x 2 O->C = O->A + A->C
  20. undalay

    SOFT subjects (the easy way out) . Your thoughts?

    scaling is the main factor ppl get shit uais lulz