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  1. RUB!X

    People who arent funny

    anyone on that horrible channel 7 show yesterday let loose live or something ... yeh that was totally ... shit
  2. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    webber got off to another lackluster start and was slow to accelerate .. he was caught by a few cars, well anyway a flying montoya was out wide coming into turn 1 and tried to turn in, webber who was going into the corner quite quick (in an effort to make up for his bad start) braked late and...
  3. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    den he fukd it up by speeding in the pit lane ... haha i didnt go on bos last night coz i thought sum1 would spoil it ... damn it webber did so well in qualifying only to fuk it up with another horrible start ... and kimis car just couldnt hold on, bad day all round ... well done to heidfeld on...
  4. RUB!X

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    # Manchester United are set to seal a £3m raid for Lyon's Brazilian midfielder Juninho That is a huge bargain if ive ever seen one !!!
  5. RUB!X

    can this offer be beat?

    redrum they have a samsung one now for 65 although the people at the shop arent much help i found ... not enough specs on the samsung, im getting the pioneer aswell, got great reviews, cant find better price anywhere ...
  6. RUB!X

    New PC help

    lolz, mine is a P3 800 thats why im changing ... anyway the guy in the fluidtek shop is an absolute asshole, very tight shop aswell der also not very helpful and expect u to be know everything there is to know about computers, very rushed service, the shop is like 1 way its so cramped, its all...
  7. RUB!X

    chiro stall this wk @ MQ

    haha ... i use the sibt computers, der always free, der better and the seats r comfy + asian eye candy = cant go wrong :p
  8. RUB!X

    New PC help

    thanks for the input guys (and girls) ... im ordering it tomorow :)
  9. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    i thought der was always hope cape !!
  10. RUB!X

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    haha, pointless post ... lol ... the stupidity of that post kinda reminds of the old days when i was new to forums and pointlessly argued that henry was a far better player than rebrov or was it petrov i cant remember with copious haha ... ah those were the days *reminices*
  11. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    go u good thing, go baumgartner !! ... dw he'll be back ...
  12. RUB!X

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    well done liverpool ... great come back ... im happy for you all ... *goes back to eating humble pie*
  13. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    no cape, no hope ... not this season ...
  14. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    im so glad ferarri is going so shithaus this season ... love the new rules :p awesome ...
  15. RUB!X

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    Silly Season already there are huge romours echoing around europe as some big names enter possible negotiatons..... -adriano has been linked to real madrid -trezeguet would like a move to the premiership and possibly to chelski or arsenal -michael owen wants out of real madrid and arsenal...
  16. RUB!X

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    haha Liverpool, diana, i think the quote in ur sig will sum up Thursday for u quite well, second :p
  17. RUB!X

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    hey id rather ronaldo den reyes aswell and im an arsenal fan, ronaldo has been better in epl than reyes by far ... haha i think HeCtic is just showing off his debating skills, he always seams to find the right words to reply, i laughed hard when i saw that sig AHAHA yes, cry u bitch, great pic...
  18. RUB!X

    CeBit 2005

    do u get freebies? if so what kinda freebies? :p
  19. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    Well Done Webber, Go the Beemers !!!
  20. RUB!X

    New PC help

    thanks for the comments everyone ... another small query about the athlon v intel debate, at the moment what would give me the best overal performance for the <$350, and also is it worth the extra money for the "venice core" A64 chip? blackbunny nice 1337 comp u have der, and i have found...