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  1. inasero

    Does God exist?

    stomach ulcers being caused by stress and spicy food for one...lawl
  2. inasero

    Does God exist?

    That's alright, I understand you're perfectly entitled to your opinion. This is actually one of the most common questions people ask which seemingly contradicts God's nature, but even alot of Bible-believing Christians can't answer it fully- I think a bit of theology is in order. When God...
  3. inasero

    Does God exist?

    While God does act in an overall logical manner, I don't think we can use our "logic" to totally understand why he does what he does. There are some things that we can't explain like resurrection from the dead, turning water into wine, creation. We shouldn't try to use our limited knowledge to...
  4. inasero

    Does God exist?

    I read this really great explanation in a book once- God is a just God, and therefore we need to pay the price of our sins. But, God is also loving (in fact the Bible says that God is love), and so it's difficult for Him to dish out the punishment we rightly deserve- therein lies the seeming...
  5. inasero

    Does God exist?

    If I put my hand in the fire and expect not to get burnt, then whose fault is it if I end up in ED with third degree burns?
  6. inasero

    Does God exist?

    i don't believe that commandment is found in the Bible?
  7. inasero

    Does God exist?

    It's not a punishment, please would you stop referring to it as such. Death and disease entered the world as a consequence of Adam and Eve's original rebellion. There are certain rare instances in the Bible where God personally punishes people by striking them down with death or disease (e.g...
  8. inasero

    Does God exist?

    Diseases exist, but only as a consequence of man's decision to go against God's ways. It's not God's intention that people are afflicted with these terrible ailments. When God comes back to establish his kingdom on Earth,
  9. inasero

    Does God exist?

    If you don't accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour it would have been, as you suggest, as if you nailed him yourself, personally to that cross. Don't reject the only way you have to be made right with God.
  10. inasero

    Does God exist?

    That's a great question and I'm glad you asked. It's difficult to see how death and disease could have entered into this world and you might be inclined to think that God therefore inflicted these things on us poor little humans. The Bible also says, - that includes everything like our health...
  11. inasero

    Does God exist?

    How is being a doctor going againt God's supposed righteous anger? Are you arguing on the basis that death and disease are inflicted on us by God? Cos if so, I've responded to that argument already.
  12. inasero

    Does God exist?

    please read my previous reply
  13. inasero

    Does God exist?

    how can you say with certainty that people didn't actually live to that ripe old age? what makes my claims so much more ridiculous than yours?
  14. inasero

    Does God exist?

    They were meant to exercise their free will- to respect and honour God because it was their choice and not because they didn't know any other way. It's like...why have children if you know they'll be naughty? You want to be in a relationship with them and for them to truly appreciate you.
  15. inasero

    Does God exist?

  16. inasero

    Does God exist?

    Done what?
  17. inasero

    Does God exist?

    or you could actually believe it and accept that they did live around 1000 years no? and i explained how they could have lived that long already.
  18. inasero

    Does God exist?

    I should probably clarify. God's not vengeful and according to the Bible God's plan was for Adam and Eve to live in perfect harmony with God and each other in the Garden of Eden forever, so in short death and disease came about as a consequence of man(kind) exercising their free will and...
  19. inasero

    Does God exist?

    how so? some things are laws (like the law of gravity)...others are theory until proven otherwise (e.g. theory of evolution).
  20. inasero

    Does God exist?

    I believe in the above, and not ashamed to say so.