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  1. jumb

    Condoms thread.

    How so?
  2. jumb

    Condoms thread.

    I meant someone who had a clue. Sorry, champ.
  3. jumb

    How to befriend a girl

    Does she have big tits? Pics plz.
  4. jumb

    How to befriend a girl

    Isn't Hooters in Paramatta?
  5. jumb

    How to befriend a girl

    When you meet a guy that knows how to turn you on, you'll realise the benefits to more than "conversing".
  6. jumb

    How to befriend a girl

    I can not emphasise enough how wrong this is. Either try and go out with her or try and be friends with her. You don't know her, so don't act like she's special. You're attracted to her, well done. If you want to talk to her, just stop and do the small talk thing "how was your weekend?" "what...
  7. jumb

    low sex drive

    Do those faux-viagras even work? I know they sell them in sex shops, and they're fucking expensive; Like $35 for 2 pills. I'd believe in the placebo effect of them, but am unsure if they actually do anything.
  8. jumb

    low sex drive

    I thought being high was bad on your sex drive/stamina?
  9. jumb

    wat wud be weirder?

    More info on what you plan to do with said girls. Why are you so young for your year?
  10. jumb

    low sex drive

    I read the opposite. Actually, all I heard was it makes your semen taste bad; the opposite to pineapple. If we're doing serious answers, you may have low Zinc (take a multivitamin or diet change) and do stuff that increases testosterone: lose your fat, cut back on alcohol and start lifting...
  11. jumb

    low sex drive

    Yep. Buy a new one.
  12. jumb

    Duke Nukem Forever Love Yahtzee. I agree with the references to other games. He makes a reference early on about Master Chief being a "pussy" because he wears an armour suit. As I said earlier on, I think (in...
  13. jumb

    Angry Boys

    Agreed, the first episode was such a tease with her. The stuff she said in that first episode are still the highlights and most memorable scenes of the whole series.
  14. jumb

    So what's new with you and your significant other/crush/desired person/ etc?

    It's only shifty if he said he wouldn't. Deceiving girls who love you: Bad. Being a player: Awesome.
  15. jumb

    Duke Nukem Forever

    Graphics engine is really good. The aesthetics and art design are really poor. The environments are all boring, dark and dull. The models of the enemies are generic. What humour? I get misogynistic humour (what do you say to a woman with two black eyes, etc.) and other "low brow" comedy, but...
  16. jumb

    Angry Boys

    It's not as good as Summer Heights High. SHH was lightning in a bottle. It was awesome because for the characters (mostly the teenager girl and wog) you recognised those behaviours. The Nathan/Daniel character is alright for a similar reason, and Gran is funny because she's racist, but the rest...
  17. jumb

    Duke Nukem Forever

    No. Rant incoming: That said, if you didn't know about DN3d, and enjoyed Halo but thought it could use a more annoying protagonist and a bunch of inappropriate toilet humour, then you won't be disappointed. Duke was fun in the original DN3d, he was basically a cartoon character. In...
  18. jumb

    Where my gays at?

    Only because they just make out with girls at party to get attention from guys.
  19. jumb

    So what's new with you and your significant other/crush/desired person/ etc?

    You on the other hand, if you said something sexy I'd be all :o