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  1. williamdaft

    Full time Uni AND full time work?

    Mmmm.. I don't think that's possible, as the many hours in your full-time job would reflect not attending some classes in your full-time study in university, plus you pretty much have very little time to study for your degree :/ I'm doing full-time study with part-time work / casual.. which I...
  2. williamdaft

    What majors should I take in B. Commerce at Usyd for investment banking career?

    Anyone know how does double majoring work? As in, if I'm doing commerce (acct+fin) and it's same duration (3 years) as if I were to do 1 major, then how much work do I do in the two majors, am I more busy in my 2nd/3rd year than a person just doing 1 major? Or do I do less things from the 2 majors?
  3. williamdaft

    Digital Currencies- Bitcoin, Litecoin etc

    I've looked at the value for the past month.. when I first found out about bitcoins, they were worth about $800 AUD, they dropped to $600 some point and now they're at roughly $935.. Mmm.. dunno if it will rise more than a k. Would be so amazing if I bought bitcoins back in the days they were...
  4. williamdaft

    do most units at unsw have online lectures?

    damn.. seems i have to put in the effort in 3hr travelling
  5. williamdaft

    Minor details to look out for during Ps test

    yeah true, I have reasons why the rule is actually dangerous. There's no really any point in indicating after leaving a roundabout, it's important indicating when entering so other people know which direction you're going. Secondly, indicating left when exiting a roundabout while you are turning...
  6. williamdaft

    Minor details to look out for during Ps test

    ^ LOL didn't realise how old this thread was. and yeah, I was exaggerating. But seriously, 90 degrees won't suffice.. they're mean :haha:
  7. williamdaft

    Peer Mentoring UNSW

    signed up. looking forward to food.
  8. williamdaft

    Minor details to look out for during Ps test

    relax and breathe. exaggerate your head motion a lot when turning your entire head almost 180 degrees when merging or kerb side stop. indicate left when exiting roundabouts. count 5 Mississippis before leaving the kerb. park less than 500mm from the kerb when doing a reverse...
  9. williamdaft

    Peer Mentoring UNSW

    FREE FOOD ??? :D f*ck.. I'm in.
  10. williamdaft

    View on Drugs

    ^dang....... lol
  11. williamdaft

    Memorising/Copying Other Peoples Essays

    I completely agree with you. Doing your own is beneficial towards one's learning and by university, plagiarism is a BIG thing.
  12. williamdaft

    View on Drugs

    ^ no wonder i didn't get a band 6 for engrish :(
  13. williamdaft

    View on Drugs

    drugs are stupid. in year 10, some people started using drugs and got addictive.. really sad, lost some of those friends. They've changed. So many better things to do in life than drugs. C'mon people
  14. williamdaft

    unsw comm brah :D

    unsw comm brah :D
  15. williamdaft

    Post Your 2014 Sem1 Timetable

    noice, same days.. 3 days ftw