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  1. williamdaft

    Musical Instruments

    Piano and guitar :D Also, want to learn how to sing....
  2. williamdaft

    What have you eaten today?

    ^lol healthy
  3. williamdaft

    What are you currently Reading?

    Frankenstein was pretty interesting, it was my best module in English :)
  4. williamdaft

    Best music to study too?

    Usually nothing but when I do, it's probs soft acoustic, country, classical. I like pop/kpop.. except that's too distracting.
  5. williamdaft

    Actuarial Studies

    ^A Lot
  6. williamdaft

    How long are the holidays/breaks in UNSW BCom?

    The Summer break/holiday is around 3 months? I heard from some people in Macq get a month break in Winter and breaks differ from uni to uni. What are the breaks in UNSW if I'm doing BCom full-time ? Are there breaks around Easter and Spring ? How long approximately is each break? Thanks!
  7. williamdaft

    Laptop or Book?

    Not just you. Writing helps me remember things better too.
  8. williamdaft

    What was your childhood dream job, and what is it now?

    Then: Doctor or a Professor Now: Accountant or a Financial Advisor... probs something like that in the commerce field.
  9. williamdaft

    Laptop or Book?

    I can imagine the flaws in that if the stupid government enforce it...
  10. williamdaft

    HELP: Is Commerce, Business, etc BORING?

    All the best!!!!
  11. williamdaft

    Driver Knowledge Test

    Excellent, I have a better idea now. Thx! Doesn't seem too hard now. yeah in most cases, it is, I practised HPT through D94's link with your advice, I got them all correct :D :haha:
  12. williamdaft

    Study Journal for an ATAR of 99.95

    I had a lot of trouble handling this, I still do and probs will do so in uni... I try my best to visualise my goals and believing in them. I tell myself, "You can do it!! Do an hour of 4u and reward yourself a cookie" and sometimes I can manage that. I stick a poster up my wall that reads UNSW...
  13. williamdaft

    What have you eaten today?

    chicken, rice, banana, mango sorbet, buk choy.. twas a good dinner
  14. williamdaft

    Driver Knowledge Test

    Thank you!! I've been trying to find practice questions for it.
  15. williamdaft

    Driver Knowledge Test

    I'm about to sit for my green Ps, can you give me an insight and what should I prepare for the HPT? :)
  16. williamdaft

    Driver Knowledge Test

    Dw bro, you got this! The DKT is completely from a bank of around 600 questions or so, from the online practice one you do.. if you have done it more than 10 times with 100%, you'll easily get 100% in the real thing. If nerves strike and you get 1 wrong, you still pass. All I did was learn...
  17. williamdaft

    Favourite airline?

    Not Qantas. China eastern airlines and Singapore Airlines's alright.
  18. williamdaft

    How can I trick my parents?

    Be honest and confront your parents.. you will continue to feel shit if you never tell them the truth.
  19. williamdaft

    What have you eaten today?

    oats, 2 eggs, cereal.