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  1. williamdaft

    Problems setting up zMail

    I used the above link, to change the password, and it gives you one. Copy and paste. Then you create your new one.
  2. williamdaft

    B Commerce

    Here's my timetable, I'm pretty happy with it :)
  3. williamdaft

    Post Your 2014 Sem1 Timetable

    Hey Examine, I made a slight change in Tuesday 11am ;) Ps. I was the 28th person to enrol out of its capacity of 28 lol
  4. williamdaft

    Post Your 2014 Sem1 Timetable

    :eek: so close!
  5. williamdaft

    Post Your 2014 Sem1 Timetable

    Sweet, thnx for checking! On Tues 11am, we got ECON1101 tut in ASB.. except mine says 232 and your's 105.. so it's different?
  6. williamdaft

    Post Your 2014 Sem1 Timetable

    It's nicely packed.. don't have to wake up so early :) 4 day weekend ftw... And on Mondays, the distance from each location ain't that bad.. I like power walking anyway. :haha: Does my timetable look right for BCom ? - 10 blue squares, totaling 12 hours of lec/tuts, of the four compulsory core...
  7. williamdaft

    Favourite soft drink ?

    diet coke solo fanta :)
  8. williamdaft

    UNSW 2014 Rollcall

    woohoo :jump:
  9. williamdaft

    The Anime Thread

    ^ gg..... in terms of sadness.. clannad - not that sad really... afterstory........ :cry:
  10. williamdaft

    Should I do MX2

    MX2 helps you with MX1 a lot.. and the scaling for both is so amazing <3
  11. williamdaft

    Want to know if you made it into your preferred UNSW course before official offer?

    Re: Want to know if you made it into your preferred UNSW course before official offer YAY
  12. williamdaft

    UNSW 2014 Rollcall

    ^dontdoubtthenewsouth :D
  13. williamdaft

    Want to know if you made it into your preferred UNSW course before official offer?

    Re: Want to know if you made it into your preferred UNSW course before official offer It doesn't work for everyone then.. My 1st pref. unsw com, and mine's lower than 103.1 and I created mine :haha:
  14. williamdaft

    The Anime Thread

    Watched 5cm per second... awww so sadddddd... dem f33lz
  15. williamdaft

    UNSW 2014 Rollcall

    Re: UNSW 2014ers Rollcall Congratz bro!!!!!!!!
  16. williamdaft

    What have you eaten today?

    2 omelettes + orange juice + salad
  17. williamdaft

    At what age is the right age to start dating?

    ^ yeah.. girls in high school who get pregnant .. *facepalm*
  18. williamdaft

    Girls & Guys: how much do you weigh?

    Bmi: 21 :)
  19. williamdaft

    Driver Knowledge Test

    Sweet as!