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  1. williamdaft

    Post Your 2014 Sem1 Timetable

    :/ you might want to change Tuesday and Thursday.. Tuesday - 9am - 2pm, you might starve a bit in that 5hr back to back lect/tut/lab.. and you need to walk a fair bit between each one. Thursday - 11am - 5pm.... 6 hour non-stop ? o.O Dude you need a break somewhere in like 1 or 2pm for lunch lol...
  2. williamdaft

    What have you eaten today?

    :haha: same!! today's bloody hot
  3. williamdaft

    Best music to study too?

    I love those too, plus Vivaldi and others.
  4. williamdaft

    Post Your 2014 Sem1 Timetable

    Oh damn.. you should squeeze that Friday one somewhere in the 4 days if you prefer 4 days. To me, Friday would piss me off :haha:
  5. williamdaft

    Best music to study too?

    Flume ftw
  6. williamdaft

    Searchable database of offers - SMH

    :haha: I must admit too
  7. williamdaft

    UNSW Chit Chat Thread 2014

    I think you pay it before the semester starts,, and if it's worth it.. I think paying thousands are worth it if you have a part time job or a lot of money.. 10% off thousands, you can save hundreds.
  8. williamdaft

    Post Your 2014 Sem1 Timetable

    Eat food :) haha
  9. williamdaft

    Post Your 2014 Sem1 Timetable

    ^ 47kg :eek: whut I hope your BMI's over 18?
  10. williamdaft

    Searchable database of offers - SMH

    Wow ... this database.. everyone can stalk people. I just know now a lot of people from my school and other friends are doing what.. interesting.
  11. williamdaft

    UNSW Chit Chat Thread 2014

    :haha: I didn't want to go too fast coz I didn't want to do something wrong :P
  12. williamdaft

    B Commerce

    yeah same, hopefully I can handle my 4hr back to back on Mondays..
  13. williamdaft

    Post Your 2014 Sem1 Timetable

    LOL gg wildchild666 all dat walking :haha:
  14. williamdaft

    UNSW 2014 Rollcall

    Re: UNSW 2014ers Rollcall Ok thats interesting.. well I'm going to do MGMT1001 for sem1, let's see how this goes.
  15. williamdaft

    myUNSW Password issue

    ^Yupp, it seems that's what we all did
  16. williamdaft

    UNSW Chit Chat Thread 2014

    LOL yeah well kinda.. obviously I didn't ready every single word, otherwise that would've literally took me more than 7 hrs. Hence "skim"... haven't even read HECS pdf, and some stuff.. while I'll do later.
  17. williamdaft

    myUNSW Password issue

    yeah did the same but with a symbol, coz of their requirement of 3 different things for pw.
  18. williamdaft

    myUNSW Password issue

    Same problem, so damn annoying!! I just logged in the IDM with the original password and username I set up in the first place, and changed the passwords, to another password, and then it works again. Now, I'm using the zPass' password and it works for myUNSW.... try both UniPass and zPass'...
  19. williamdaft

    UNSW Chit Chat Thread 2014

    Took me like 4 hours to skim through everything and accept conditions, and create timetable last night. Now I need to read back my saved tabs on HECS, and etc. I got a good timetable :) Now to apply for HECS........