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  1. Charizard

    Football - Summer Transfers

    Also,. lol at hthis agreement im reading about . Real madrid have to pay 75 million euros for Ronaldo, or 30 million IF THEY DONT BUY HIM. hahahah seems confirmed by their vice president too, what a ridiculous deal. 30 million will buy you just about any non mega super star player. great deal...
  2. Charizard

    Football - Summer Transfers

    Makelele was probably half the reason for their success. Chelsea got him probably towards the latter of his best years but he was an absolute fucking gun. As influential as you would consider Essien today. I remember jose mourinho singled him out as the major reason for winning the first...
  3. Charizard

    2008/09 English premier League

    Some of them may not have won the treble, but i dare say that a lot of them at least dominated domestically for the periods where they won the treble. Barcelona were woeful last year considering, then this year won 2 cups in the worlds 2nd or 3rd best league, and were it not for terrible...
  4. Charizard

    2008/09 English premier League

    Greatest team ever ? They've only won one treble? I'm sure foster knows a lot but as someone said before, it's his inability to not mention the fucking words of BARCELONA or ARSENAL or GOOD TECHNICALLY. I mean, at least you get the impression Slater doesn't take himself too seriously and...
  5. Charizard

    The Woolworths Thread

    Half the time not even counted at my store, never in a whole year have they been double checked like you say. Would be quite easy to steal really, mind you half the time the registers are out like 400 dollars because of problems with home delivery and that so there is usually no way of knowing.
  6. Charizard

    Football - Summer Transfers

    Arsenal might take him. Could use a decent midfielder/winger. Or Liverpool. Just depends on price.
  7. Charizard

    Ben Cousins finger

  8. Charizard

    2008/09 English premier League

    Foster and les are both cunts. year in year out they look like their child has just died because the football wasn't up to their standard. I mean fuck me i've seen some boring finals (06/07) but i would hardly say that game was a defensive showdown. Chelsea could have had a handful more goals...
  9. Charizard

    2008/09 English premier League

    Bang drogbbbaaaaaa
  10. Charizard

    2008/09 English premier League

    commentator will be martin tyler. only the finest.
  11. Charizard

    2008/09 English premier League

    A team with Ngog as the lone striker is destined to fail. That team would probably struggle to make the top 4. As for tonight, Chelsea have to be favourites, I can see a upset happening with like a cahill late winner or something, but i think drogba will be too much for the everton defence.
  12. Charizard

    NBA playoffs

    Because they wish they were him, but are unfortunately a race with virtually no athletic ability in competitive sports.
  13. Charizard

    2008/09 English premier League

    Which has been denied by terry and mourinho. Maybe it happened, but we don't know the circumstances, either way chelsea were never gonna sell Terry, and mourinho's results had been average. In a perfect world he'd still be coach and we would have won the champions league by now.
  14. Charizard

    2008/09 English premier League

    Mourinho should return to chelsea. IF abramovich wasnt a cunt, im sure he would still be here.
  15. Charizard

    your current favourite song

    amgawd dat song by rihanna DiStErBiA i lyk sums up ma lyfe.
  16. Charizard

    2008/09 English premier League

    Doubt it. They'll be doing well if they push Arsenal for 4th. People like to think any club with money will be able to replicate Chelsea's success, but Chelsea were a quality team before they had millions pumped into them. And Mourinho is about 10 times the coach of Mark Hughes.
  17. Charizard

    champions leaue final predicted lineups

    Not much to troll, Man utd were completely outclassed. I spoke to some manchester fans the other day and they were talking it up, how if they win they are the best team of all time, how great itd be, how they were definitely gonna win. Spoke to them today and they all acted like they didnt...
  18. Charizard

    Why are NRL players such terrible human beings?

    As someone mentioned before, these kids often quit school to play league at the age of 16 or 17, while usually not being the brightest sparks to begin with. Then they get all this money and attention and they think they are king shit. Get on the piss and make bad decisions. A lot of them...
  19. Charizard

    Football - Summer Transfers

    Chelsea linked with noone. gone are the good ole days.
  20. Charizard

    2008/09 English premier League

    That's not an excuse though, Benitez one is. While i don't know whether they would have indeed won, had Gerrard and Torres been in more gamesi do believe thye woul have won more games. I think that's fairly plain to see. That said, you never know what Man Utd would have done without...