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  1. Paroissien

    Silly But confusing Q - haber process

    Justing picking somewhere from 400-500 will be fine. Pressure 350 atm, or not?
  2. Paroissien

    huck finn

    It is good, but I hate blood on the tracks, so I'm doing The Road not Taken
  3. Paroissien

    2003 HSC Solustions

    Sorry mate, I don't do Industrial Chem, so I can't help you there
  4. Paroissien

    2003 HSC Solustions

    26: - Eutrophication results from high nutrients levels, often caused by phosphates and nitrates from fertilisers. - Causes algal blooms which used DO and chokes the water - Can be monitored directly by measuring levels of phosphate (max 60ppm) and nitrogen (max 600ppm) - However, N:P ratio...
  5. Paroissien

    Ions present in a sample

    The flowchart is probably one of the simplest ways. All I do is memorise the ion identification tests, then just use common sense
  6. Paroissien

    Compicated Situation

    Na, as far as DnD is concerned (which is obviously based on life), common sense would mean a high wisdom score. But that's kewl, you can be a druid!
  7. Paroissien

    What Pen?

    Colour? Brand? etc. What pen do you find is the best to write with?
  8. Paroissien

    2003 HSC Solustions

    I have the answers in Success One book, and quickly the answers are: 17c: polymerisation is a random process, and a range of chain lengths form 20: Firstly say how useful products are created. Cellulose ---> glucose ---> ethanol (can be used as fuel) ---> ethylene (used as monomer in...
  9. Paroissien

    Practical Assesment

    Ahh fair enough, and my guess for Acidic Environment is titration. I never did a prac assessment though, so don't take my word for it
  10. Paroissien

    big mark questions

    Yeah, and I'd say everyones conclusion will be the same, "it is not feasible at present"
  11. Paroissien

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    It might have been mentioned before but ah well. Has anyone ever seen the early Jim Carey movie, "Copper Mountain"? Worst move ever.
  12. Paroissien

    Art during the Ramesside Period

    Anyone have any info on this? I'm not after specific examples, just an overview of the style really
  13. Paroissien

    Inverse trig question:

    What do you mean by arc?
  14. Paroissien

    Quoting or Paraphrasing?

    Bad idea. It's usually better to work the historian name into your essay. Makes it flow better, or so I believe
  15. Paroissien

    Why Isnt Anyone doing Forensic?

    Very thorough; and the only small thing I can think of is that its probably a good idea to say that it is the non-coding bits (introns) of DNA that is unique. But other than that, awesome. And you weren't joking when you said you covered everything you could in that. Looks like she basically...
  16. Paroissien

    What is your best core topic?

    Yeah me too. I got 60% in my end of year 11 test, then 54% in the half yearly (which thankfully wasn't counted). It was at this point that I was shitting myself, because I didn't have enough units. But thankfully I pulled it together, and now chem is probably my favourite subject (ancient became...
  17. Paroissien

    Sulfate reducing bacteria

    Ahh that's alright then. Shipwrecks is none of my business
  18. Paroissien

    Sulfate reducing bacteria

    Yeah, I didn't think it was in the syllabus, because I have never heard of it
  19. Paroissien

    salt bridge

    The external circuit is still there, you have just stopped the ions migrating. Would this break the electrical circuit though, meaning no voltage? EDIT: I guess it does
  20. Paroissien

    Sulfate reducing bacteria

    What the hell are you talking about?