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  1. Paroissien

    ancient history ramesses II notes

    Of course it will help you. For example, where did you get the information for your notes? A textbook you say? All that is is someone elses notes, with a few sources chucked in for good measure.
  2. Paroissien

    how do you remember the activity series?

    That's not exactly the same, but is it good enough for all intensive purposes?
  3. Paroissien

    Death of Claudius

    Does anyone have some secondary sources (opinions of historians) that relate to the death of Claudius? EDIT: Claudius, not Agrippina
  4. Paroissien

    Augustus - The Third Settlement

    Ok, I'm following now. I found a small section in my textbook (Antiquity 2) quoting Dio on Augustus receiving the imperium of consuls for life. This power was demonstrated when he received the names of candidates for the elections. However, I've got nothing on the cenuses. And I might be wrong...
  5. Paroissien


    One question. Why are you trying to come up with a thesis?
  6. Paroissien

    Augustus - The Third Settlement

    That's what I thought. Thankyou very much
  7. Paroissien

    Augustus - The Third Settlement

    Augustus - The Third Settlement? Reading through SmokedSalmon's notes today I came across this: 3rd settlement 19/18BC: Allows Augustus to name a successor Given the title “Augstus” revered one Is this the case, because until now I was under the opinion that he received the title of...
  8. Paroissien

    you're all lucky

    Not even close. We hardly touch on crime at all, but its not that bad.
  9. Paroissien

    Why Isnt Anyone doing Forensic?

    Luckily forensics is alright because for us there was no choice. At the start of year 12 our teacher asked us a rhetorical question about what elective we wanted to do. At this stage none of us knew which electives there were, so there was never a real chance we would do anything else. Also our...
  10. Paroissien

    Systematic names

    Most text books I've come across say ethenylbenzene. So what is right as far as the HSC is concerned?
  11. Paroissien

    2004 independent trial

    LOL, I'm sitting it soon as well. Pity no-one who has sat it is speaking up, I could really use some hints... or a list of every question complete with exemplar answers. I could handle that.
  12. Paroissien

    Solubility rules --> data sheet

    Pathways is probably great if you really understand your chemistry, but if you are someone like me with limited chemistry knowledge, then pathways is too much. I am learning the HSC course and NO more, so I don't find much use for pathways. I get by on the information provided by the simpler...
  13. Paroissien

    Naming CFCs

    One question: CH3-CCl2-CHBr-CH3 I would have named this 2-bromo-3,3-dichlorobutane, however I am wrong and it is 3-bromo-2,2-dichlorobutane as most of you can probably see. Is this because 2+3+3 > 3+2+2 ? (if you follow me)
  14. Paroissien

    Julians and Claudians

    Doesn't that depend on the question? If the question was on the Julio-Claudian succession, for example, detail such as this could lift your mark. It could be useful also in the Agrippina/Personality question too if that was on family background. My teacher made this same point today in...
  15. Paroissien

    Solubility rules --> data sheet

    Who is sticking to one book? I've just about giving up using Chemistry Pathways. There other books I have seen to explain everything clearer allowing me to actually understand what I'm learning. And that is always a good thing
  16. Paroissien


    That seems correct as far as I can tell. Paper chromatography works on the different solubilties the different amino acids (when seperating proteins) have in the two phases; mobile and stationary. Stationary phase is polar so the polar amino acids will dissolve in this phase meaning they will...
  17. Paroissien

    Solubility rules --> data sheet

    No problem. I understood what you meant, and I think I will have to get it
  18. Paroissien

    Anyone need some notes?

    If you are still handing out notes I would love some on: - Augustus and the Julio-Claudians - Agrippina the Younger Thankyou very much. I appreciate it.
  19. Paroissien

    Assessment of my Essay

    Thanks. That's just my standard formatting for all assignments but I think you're right about the double spacing. My teacher didn't say anything about it though, so if its wrong, its all her fault (or so I will say)
  20. Paroissien

    Assessment of my Essay

    Here is my synopsis as well if anyone could be so kind as to give me their opinions.